Suz who?

I’m Suz.

My nickname back in the day was Busy Bee because I was constantly going, cleaning, volunteering, doing, but not in that annoying way. You know what I’m talking about. And I love bees. And butterflies. And nature. Also, I’m a fake drama queen. I like to pretend everything is a big deal and I *heavy sigh* when asked to do something, but then I do it. I’m still a busy bee, but not doing the same stuff. My girls have grown and flown, but are still the center of my universe. As is my favorite longtime boyfriend; the Coach. We’ve been together over 36 years, married for 30, so essentially I met him before I had teeth. We are Florida Natives who left the sunshine state for a few years, but it eventually drew us back in. My life might look picture perfect and it mostly is, but I’ve overcome a very dysfunctional upbringing and too much loss. In the end, life is beautiful and each day is a gift.