Wrapping Up Wedding Photos, Being The MOB Can Wear A Girl Out & Learning To Live With What Is Now In The Past.

Thank you all for your kind words regarding our ‘sick’ house.

MOB=Mother Of the Bride.

I wanted to share more wedding photos, so I can say I didn’t neglect anyone of the joyous day. Funny how it took so long to plan that magical day and *poof* it’s over. I can say though, I was more ‘present’ for Lolo’s wedding than for ours. That might have something to do with 100 less people. Less is more.

They are the prettiest couple. I can’t take ALL The credit, but I made HER. Ok, I’m gonna take a lot of the credit, because I MADE HER. If you can even imagine it, she is even prettier on the inside.

Nathan’s Mom and I assisted with the Handfasting/binding portion of the ceremony. I had no idea these two were kinky, but then again, they also own several sets of handcuffs, so there I go being naive again. Lauren said they came with the badge and uniform, but I’m not 100% sure.

“I now pronounce you, bound together for eternity you two lovely, selfless weirdos”

I said it before, but the venue was absolutely magical. I thought the kids were crazy for picking a venue two hours from our house, but clearly, they had a vision. Since we were in Tampa, we did as the Tampan’s and had a bonafide cigar roller on site. I didn’t partake since I gave up tampons. I mean, cigars. Hell, I gave up both. Max and Mattis had their own signature drinks; an Old Fashioned (Nathan’s fave) and a Margarita (a nod to my Mom).

You know how they say A Mother’s Work Is Never Done? Well, it is true. On the wedding day, not only did I have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn so my suite could be used for hair and makeup, later I was in charge of reappying Lolo’s lipstick, I also put on her veil, buttoned up her dress, put on her shoes and then, I had to pin on the Coach’s boutonnière before Binding the kids hands together. Truth be told, pinning the boutonniere was harder than it looked, so the photographer did it for me. Hey, I was tired by then!

This day will go down as The Very Best Wedding Ever.

Did you think I’d go through this whole post and not mention my hair? DO YOU EVEN KNOW ME?

I suppose in these photos, it really doesn’t look so bad, so maybe I’m actually getting over something, letting it go as they say. People, I believe that is called Personal Growth and I’d like a Gold-freaking-Star.

Thanks for enjoying the lovely photos with me.

Now what will I have to talk about? Oh, shucks. I’m sure I’ll think of something.


Your Friend Suz, The Proudest MOB

That Wedding Was Nothing To Laugh About

I’m a Liar.

IT was ALL to laugh about.

We finally have access to all the wedding photos.

Me: Lolo, do you realize there are no photos of just you and your sister where you are NOT laughing?

Lolo: Yes, and I love it.

It takes a village. (to dress that girl!) Have you ever tried to put lipstick on a human other than yourself? It’s harder than it looks; now I know why the makeup ladies at Dillards make the big bucks.

I remember all the years where they couldn’t stand to be in the same room together. All the morning bickering. Ok, morning and evening. *sigh*

I’ll just say it now, so you won’t have to: Lauren was the most beaming and radiant bride ever and Linds is a stunning bridesmaid. {Even with their mouths wide open}

If you look closely, Nathan and Coach are holding (4) hands. What are we supposed to be doing now?

Not one of them can act right. And I love it.

When was the last time you had an entire day of Joy and Laughter? We all deserve it, we’ve earned it.

So those are most of the Laughing photos. Do you want to see some serious and pretty ones too or is the laughter enough? I don’t want to overwhelm ya’ll with my pretty people.


Happy Weekend (before Christmas!)

Christmas Crunch, Lack Of Evidence, Making Big Commitments On A Whim.

Christmas. Every.single.year it sneaks up on me. I should confer with my calendar more often. We arrived home after almost 3 weeks in Georgia last Wednesday with a to-do list that was more than I wanted to do.

Honestly, if we didn’t host the whole family on Christmas Eve, I might not have decorated at all. I’m not feeling Scrooge-ish, as I’m currently listening to Christmas Tunes and I watched the last half of It’s A Wonderful Life the other night. It’s just so much work, the decorating part. Linds was kind enough to come over Saturday night and get me going with the tree’s and really, that was all I needed get my azz in gear.

I was waiting to order Christmas cards because we generally take Family Pics around Thanksgiving, but we were missing Lolo and Nathan. We just had that BEAUTIFUL wedding with family photos, which would be lovely to share on our cards, sadly, the photographer hasn’t gotten all the pics back to us. I only have a handful of snapshots from the night; with only 3 choices that include Coach. So I made a collage type card out of some snapshots. This year, I opted to go with Costco as they are much cheaper and I’m guessing they’ll be faster than Shutterfly who took forever last year.

The only pics I have of the Coach from the wedding. And none to be seen with he and I together.

Gary Busey cleaned up as the Father Of The Bride


I need to work on the FALLING post that 77% of you want to see, {sadists!} but I’m having a hard time making a post with actual meaning and not off the cuff.


I was walking into Publix the other day and they had lovely fresh wreaths for sale.

Oh, I should get two of those for our front doors!

Then I remembered what our front doors currently look like:

Our house is being painted. *sigh* I’m happy about that, but goodness, the pool work isn’t finished and then we started this. Everything is an absolute mess outside.

A few months ago Coach asked me to make some color choices for the house after we realized the new decking made our house color look super old and outdated. I chose 3 and the painters put up some small samples.

{Our old, beige, gold-ish color next to the three samples that I chose off the internet}

We didn’t think much about the painting part, life happened, we left for GA and then had to make a commitment on paint color because paint was becoming scarce and our painters had an opening. It’s not just the house; it’s Coach’s two outbuildings-garages, the retaining walls, front entrance gate wall.

Y’all I chose a color while NOT actually seeing the color in a large area. I might need to have my head examined.

How are you guys doing Christmas-wise. Are you sending out cards and do you like it when people share family photos?


Your friend Suz who could use a therapist recommendation.

The Venue, The Vows, Somewhat Awake & Happy Faces

Lolo was only given a sneak peak of photos rom the photographer, so I’m holding back until I see what my choices are for sharing.

Can you believe that I only took a handful of pictures once the festivities began? I was really trying to live in all the moments, plus, I was a dancing fool.

The venue the kids chose was super cool; Oxford Exchange in downtown Tampa. It’s a historic building that is open daily for mixed use; a restaurant, book store, eyeglass store, gift store, champagne & coffee bar. They close the doors to the public at 5:30 and remove all the large pieces of furniture in the lounge/communal areas for events.

There are areas with checkered black/white floors, brick walls, old penny tiled floors, glass ceilings (atrium), wooden staircases, etc…it’s very historic feeling, but also has an industrial vibe which is what Lauren and Nathan loved.

They have offices upstairs with ancient wooden floors, gigantic heavy wooden doors and rustic brick walls. One side overlooks the University of Tampa, the other side of the street faces the Church Of Science and next door is a Kick Boxing club. A person has choices.

Since the venue wasn’t open to us until late, the ceremony was set for 7pm. (I warned everyone to have a damn snack since dinner won’t be until 8:45)

I’m prettier if my face is awake.

The late ceremony time didn’t mean that the ‘girls’ didn’t need to be at the venue earlier. Um, we had to be upstairs at the venue at 3pm for the photographer. I was thinking: Can I call this one in? It’s gonna be a long day.

The makeup/hair artist was at my hotel suite at 7:15 am since she needed to work on six of us and it was only she and her assistant. I’m the least ‘morning person’ I know, but I sacrificed myself instead of them going to Lauren and Nathan’s suite.

Linds was sweet enough to volunteer her face/hair first, but I still had to be awake and wouldn’t you know that Lauren showed up just before Linds anyway. She had a lot on her plate. What I wouldn’t have given to let my face sleep past 6am. I don’t know about you, but my face needs a good 4-6 hours AFTER I wake up before it’s really all.there.

I mentioned it last week, but here I go again:

I swear to Buddha, if I could turn back time, I would take myself out of the hair/makeup equation. I will get over it eventually, but I catch myself daily thinking, hey, you’re heading to Publix? Your hair looks BETTER RIGHT NOW than it did on your daughters wedding day. I’m like a dog with a bone.

Anyhoo, a few captures from before the ceremony.

{My great-nieces, Nathan’s Mom & Coach’s Mom. Coach’s Dad & Linds. Suz, Linds, & her bestie (my adopted daughter) Hailie}

I think Judy snapped this pic of Lindsay and I. Doesn’t my youngest baby look amazing? She was so giddy all day; so very happy for her sister and Nathan. When she walked up the aisle for the ceremony, she fist bumped Nathan.

I have ONE photo that the photographer captured overlooking the ceremony from the staircase and it’s swoon worthy.

Photos by Ailyn La Torre Photography

Did you swoon?

They had a charismatic officiant who spent so much time with them prior; going over their love story and really learning about how they met, what obstacles they’ve already overcome, about their families etc…he was amazing. When he had them recite their vows, he said something along the lines of: You promise to be his best friend, confidant, lover, etc…

Coach nudged me right then with a bewildered face. WHAT? LOVER?!

I shrugged my shoulders as I also didn’t know what any of that meant.

We had a secret giggle.

That’s enough of that for today. I have to go clean my brain.


Your friend Suz who gave birth to lifelong virgins.