This, That And The Other Thing: Wow, Wordle Fun & Plastic Surgery For The ‘Nut

Happy Thursday!

This: A WOW moment.

I was at Lolo’s place the other day and she has this magnet on her Fridge.

I read it, looked at her and said WOW. She nodded in agreement and said: Yes, Wow.

The Other Thing: Wordle Fun

I’ve gotten the entire word before on the second try (which always makes me feel smarter than I am) but this time, I got ALL The letters on the second try and the actual word on the third. I thought that was kind of funny. (THORN)

That: Peanut’s surgery and procedure.

I was finally able to have Peanut spayed this past Friday. If you remember, when I took her in before, we realized she was in heat and that’s when the nurse made a deal about her big vulva. Peanuts’ vulva.

I woke up Friday to at least 26 spots of blood all over our white sheets and white coverlet. Me thinking, hey Suz, this isn’t your life anymore, you had all those things removed! Then I quickly realized Peanut must have had a booboo on her paw as it looked like paw prints.

When I got her to the Vet, she was sitting on my lap in the exam room, waiting for the nurse when I looked down at my jeans and realized it wasn’t her paw that was bleeding. WHAT IN THE HEAT IS HAPPENING HERE? She was fine the day before. This girls cycle is synced with Doctors appointments!

The Vet wasn’t worried about it, he said she could still have the surgery. We also had him do a Nose Job procedure to trim down her nasal nares, for better breathing. This isn’t anything I’d heard of before, but a good friend of ours who is a retired Vet said we should do it while she’s under for her spaying and my vet agreed. He trimmed a bit off her nares to open her air holes a bit more. (although, she seemed to be a good breather, now she will be an even better breather)

You can hardly see her little stitches. She’s been great about not messing with her nose or belly region…although, with a shape like hers, it would be hard to reach her belly region.

I had her in a onesie for a few days just in case she tried to mess with her surgical area, but really, she just looks adorable in a onesie, so why not?

Every woman in this house is officially spayed and we’ve both had nose jobs. (me, after a car accident when I was sixteen)

Has anyone seen that quote before? Lolo got the magnet at the Holocaust Museum.

Do you wordle?

Have you or your dog had a nose job?


This, That And The Other Thing: What’s On My Countertop?

I was throwing together a little last minute post about three items, then I realized that all three were on my kitchen counter, plus a bonus.

THIS: Flowers

Ranaculas might be my favorite flowers ever; sadly, you can’t get them all year long. I suppose that makes them even more special. They resemble peonies which are my other favorite and are similar to camellias which I also love.

I might have a ‘loving’ flowers problem.

THAT: The Sea Glass

River and Jeanette mentioned that they’ve found Red Sea glass. I was all “WHAT? RED?” I wondered if I had any red in my collection. (I can’t remember things any longer) I went through my old collection and no red to be found. *snap* But, I did find a piece of lavender. How cool is that? I have four pieces of coveted colors; three blue and one lavender. *Can you even see me UP here on my high horse*

Hey Nicole, I do keep the sea glass in a pretty jar. I actually had a small jar in the guest bathroom with sea glass, but since this trip to the Bahamas, I needed a bigger jar, so I went shopping in my own cabinets and found this empty one, then commingled all my sea glass together.


In the continued battle of lowering my cholesterol I started taking Cholestoff last year after reading good things about it. (I get it from Costco) The trouble with them, is I forget to take them. You’re supposed to take two of them twice a day with your worst meal. Finally, I realized if I just put them out in plain sight, in my face, right between the fridge and stove, protected by my kitchen pig, then I might remember.

They look like kidney beans.

Guess what? In my face works. I remember them almost all the time now!

THE OTHER, OTHER THING: The (almost) freebie that lasts

The first weekend in December The Coach and I attended a charity fundraiser. Since we sponsored the event, we were given some of the table decor which was two phalaenopsis. Nothing extraordinary, I have many of them in the yard growing in tree crotches. They sat on the counter in their plastic container, covered in tacky blue foil for a few days when I thought to find a large pot to put them in. Again, I shopped in my own cabinets. I didn’t even take them out of the plastic container, just plopped them in this white bowl and covered them with moss.

Ya’ll. It’s now February 21st and they have not dropped ONE flower. I give them a bit of water a few times a week. They’re so perfect and they almost look fake; apparently my Kitchen is The Place To Be.

Anything fun on your countertop this week?

This, that and the other thing. The Princess of darkness edition.

Dr. Death

Thank you all for your positive comments on my butterfly post from Monday. I love and appreciate your accolades.

I’m not kidding…

I really, really need your accolades.

My friend Kelly was asking me a while ago how many butterflies I release each year. I wasn’t sure, but now I’m keeping a spreadsheet because: time and pandemic.

I’ve released 73 in just under a month. A boatload of butters. 

Now, for my Debbie Downer moment.

I had to put on my Jack Kevorkian pants 5 times last week.

I euthanized five butters. Well, technically I think two took their own lives.

They could neither fly nor eat; what’s the point then? 

It happens; disease. Parasites.

BTW; Jack’s pants: So.darn.tight; he was a slim man.

How do you euthanize? Well, there are two methods that I know of. One I can’t fathom.

The method I use is I put them in my fridge for about five minutes to lower the body temperature, then in the freezer, they go.

Don’t ask me how many times someone has opened up the freezer with a butterfly surprise.


I said DON’T ask me. 

I forget they are in there and the next time I, Coach, or a guest goes into the freezer for something: Death.

THEY say that butterflies feel no pain. Hmmm. I don’t know if I believe THEY.

I’ve gotten better at this though. I used to get upset when I had to put one in my beloved appliance, but now it’s a fact of life.

This should probably make my enemies husband nervous.

Who am I kidding? WE know I don’t have enemies.


Let’s get married!

My calendar told me that I was supposed to go wedding dress shopping with Linds and Lolo today.


The nuptials are still planned for the Fall of 2021, but the venue and dress shopping has been postponed for a bit.

The future Mr & Mrs. Cutie Pie.

I think a backyard wedding would suffice. Can you picture the butterfly release?

That is if they’re not all in the freezer.



I really need to Marie Kondo my closet again; I’ve been putting it off.

BUT, I did start to Marie Kondo my boxes and boxes and boxes of old photos. I’ve arranged to have a good lot of them scanned and saved digitally. This is a big undertaking.


When you are the ONE who continues to live (out of parents, grandparents and siblings) you end up with ALL the photos. Which, I’m thankful for, but I need them in some sort of order for my kids so they won’t be overwhelmed by them like I am.


That’s all the death, despair and disappointments I have to share today.

If I say anymore we won’t have anything dreadful to talk about on Friday.

I’m kidding! Happy Humpday!




Smelling this and that

I’m a self-proclaimed reed diffuser junkie. And I’ve only found a handful of brands that are actually worth the $$ to use. One of my favorite brands is Pier One. I honestly think the store charges too much for most everything, but their reed diffusers actually HAVE scent and are long-lasting. This ( White pumpkinis a great scent for this time of year; it’s a nice sweet & subtle smell.

My newest (other)favorite smelly thing is Lume all-natural deodorant. 
How do I put this delicately…..Ummmmm…..I sweat like a man. 
A cute little construction type-working man, but a man just the same. 
I’m sure it’s because I’m super healthy and the bad stuff just needs to be expelled from my body. Yeah, let’s go with that. 

They have perhaps the best commercial-it’s quite entertaining. 

The past few years I’ve been more aware of the chemicals that I don’t really want to put on/in my body. And let’s just think about all the glands in our pits that are so close in relation to the larger glands on our chest. 

This is an all-natural deodorant that actually works. I love it so much. I still sweat, but I never stink and really, that’s the most important thing. I have the lavender and sage flavor and it smells really nice. Like me. 

Anything you’ve fallen in love with lately, I mean, aside from me?