The Traumatic Thing That Happened, Twins Run In Our Family And The Sitter Strikes Again

Back to our recent trip to Georgia a few weeks ago…

Here is a serene video of one area of the creek that runs through our property and it was taken about twenty five minutes before the almost life altering moment that I’d hinted at last week.

We had a full tour of the property via the UTV with D’Anne, Jana, Suz, Coach, Peanut and Biscuit. (BTW, we have special harnesses and straps to keep the girls safe in the UTV, the Frenchies, not my friends.)

Just Call her The Anchor

We ended the tour at the pond which has filled up nicely. A few months ago Coach had a ton of fish (12,000) brought into the pond from Alabama. There is even a feeder on a timer; it didn’t take long for the birds and raccoons to know when noon rolls around!

Anyhoo, to the someone almost died part. The dogs were very interested in the Canada geese, and they were walking along the water line trying to get as close as possible with no luck.

Peanut then went to the spillover poking around and just walked off into the water, as if she were Jesus. I didn’t see her fall in, but my attention was grabbed as Coach said something calmly like ‘hold on, I’m gonna get you’ and he reached down for her, he was able to grab her in one swoop, but that girl was sinking fast. She came out, coughed a bit, shook the pond water off of her and looked at us like: What the hell just happened?

Coach: her eyes were huge, her little legs were moving, but she was sinking fast; that dog would make a great anchor.

My heart just about burst out of my chest and in that same moment I didn’t see Biscuit and I started screaming for her, thinking that everyone would soon disappear into the pond; luckily Biscuit was right behind me, wondering why I was losing my mind. My heart still pounds thinking about it all.


One morning, my Uncle Jim came over as he and Coach were going over to the property to check on things. I giggled when Coach came out of the bedroom and the two of them were in their respective matching Double L uniforms for the day!

Two of the best men you could ever encounter.

I Could Sit On That

I’ve shared before how Biscuit loves to sit on top of her sister; it happens daily. But what you might not know, is she doesn’t just prefer to sit on other dogs, she is an equal sitting opportunist and includes Humans as her seating spot. Occasionally, she will climb in our bed and splay herself on my noggin. It’s great. No really, it’s so comfortable for me. 🫣

This past weekend, she climbed the Coach and used the Coach as her perch.

We have the weirdest, non swimming dogs. Actually Biscuit could probably swim because she has actual legs and is fairly lean. Poor Peanut is built like a legless tank.

Has anyone ever had a dog that couldn’t swim? Never in my life did I imagine a dog who couldn’t….I mean, the type of swimming I do is called a Doggie Paddle!


33 thoughts on “The Traumatic Thing That Happened, Twins Run In Our Family And The Sitter Strikes Again”

  1. I love your life. I really do. It’s rare reading a blog will make me literally lol but that picture of Coach with a dog on his head.. that should come with a warning.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. How scary that must have been for you! I never gave much thought to how dogs ‘learn’ to swim and what breeds are not even capable of it. I still say it looks like that Biscuit is pooping on Peanut. I don’t get how that’s comfortable to the dog, let alone anyone else!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I promise, she’s not pooping on anyone, but she is a little weirdo! I believe it’s some sort of dominance thing. Peanut is the Alpha Female for the most part and maybe this is Biscuits way of leveling up?


  3. I was told bulldogs (including French) can’t swim well or at all because their heads are so heavy compared to their bodies. I think they have special life vests for this breed, but don’t quote me. The creek and property looks lovely!!!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. yes, we have an English bulldog, and he cannot swim. That poor guy is 55 lbs of dead, sinking weight. He has a life jacket for the boating days. The vet said thier bodies are too dense for swimming, and his legs are too short. He doesnt even try..just…bloop….right to the bottom. I was shocked to find this out!!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Bloop. Oh, your poor big headed, dense doggie. 😉

        I do have life jackets for our girls for when we do venture with them on our boat, but didn’t think I’d need them near the pond. Lesson Learned. Thanks for chiming in!


    2. Well, this bulldog certainly CAN NOT swim. I’ve seen many Frenchies that can, but they must be an anomaly. Thank you, Deb. We’re loving how the property is shaping up with the Coach at the helm!

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  4. That sounds so scary. Eek. I can imagine her big eyes bugging out like, Wait, what’s happening? Why didn’t the water hold me?

    I don’t know much about dogs, but our good friends had a German Shephard named Cash. They have a lake house that we frequent. When the kids would run along the dock and jump into the water, Cash would go nuts. He was so nervous about the kids drowning, I guess. Once when we were there, she bit Reg’s buddy on the leg while trying to grab him to ‘save’ him from going in the water. Buddy needed stitches.

    I have never ever seen or heard of a dog that enjoys straddling the heads of others. It is such a riot.

    Love the twin look. Coach owns a green Under Armor golf shirt. He’s apparently owned it for years. About 5 years ago, the golf course where the kids caddy adopted green Under Armor shirts as their caddy uniform. Every time Coach wears his green golf shirt someone asks him if he is heading to the golf course to grab a loop (caddy). 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The German shepherd sounds like a great life guard. I mean aside from leaving teeth marks!

      I’m laughing at your husband and his Caddy (not) uniform!


  5. What a lovely creek! Just today my son was telling me that French Bulldogs can’t swim. Period. His ex (sob) has always had Frenchies and they have done more than one rescue scoop out of a pond. I do not think the longer leg girl would do well in water either!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Pat. The creek is a sweet little bonus to the property.

      I’ve seen frenchies that can swim, but I believe they are an anomaly. We will bring their life vests for our next pond visit. 🙂


  6. Thank god Coach has mastered the art of One Fell Swoop. If they ever add that as an Olympic sport, he should totally try out. I’m sure you could find a spot to hang the gold medal on your wall!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep, he was the hero; right there, cool, calm and collected. Maybe I could place the medal in a lovely frame and hang it over the toilet? 🤷‍♀️

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  7. Ha! That picture of Biscuit witting on Coach’s head is hilarious! I’m glad Peanut is ok. That must have been scary!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I laughed so hard at your story! I can just picture adorable Peanut walking off into the water “as if she were Jesus”! I am howling with laughter over here.

    And then I got to “I can sit on that”. I almost died from the funny.

    I feel like your Frenchies just give and give. You have no idea how much I needed a big laugh today! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They are givers; usually they’re giving me some shit, or just giggles. Or shit and giggles. 🙂

      I’m glad you enjoyed! XO


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