What Day Is It?

The lovely house that we rented in the Bahamas had this Day clock hanging in the family room. I was drawn to it like a moth to a flame and I thought something like this would be great at our Georgia home.

From what I read, this might be targeted towards someone with dementia, or a newly retired person. But also, it works for Suzanne who often forgets what day it is.

Sadly, I could only day clocks I found had a nautical vibe.

Nautical is not the vibe I’m going for in the mountains, so I will continue my search; but isn’t it fun?

Now that I really think about it, I might need a Month clock too; as those are just flying by and I have a hard time keeping up.

Would you benefit from a Day Clock?


{Almost} Wordless Wednesday*Georgia On My Mind*

Snippets of our visit

  • The dogs and I have loved opening up the doors to the porch. Imagine that: OPENING A DOOR.
  • They love soaking up the sun on a cool-ish day.
  • For some reason stick bugs LOVE the front glass doors. Peeping Sticks?
  • The sunrises and sunsets both bring great colors. Of course, I’m more apt to see a sunset because I’m a night owl. Note: THAT one hanging-down-in-the-view broken branch has been there for a year. We keep wondering: When will it fall? Or can we swing something heavy out there to make it drop?

  • I couldn’t resist this sign for the guest bath because I love calling my people Filthy Animals.

  • I stumbled upon my Aunt and Uncles wedding cake topper while helping them unpack. My first response: Aunt Trisha, I didn’t know you were a Praying Mantis!? I suppose after 54 years, UJ is lucky he’s only lost his head.

Did anyone else save their wedding topper?

Does your mate still have all their parts?

I said what I had to say, now it’s your turn.


Sleeping Single….

…in a double bed.
Raise your hand if you remember that song.
So a few weeks ago I washed all the covers for our dogs’ beds.
They have two in the family room and two in the living room.
{See how I said they up there?!}
For some reason, I only put the covers back on three….and then on Monday, I finally broke down and put the cover on the fourth one in the living room.
Man, oh man…I had myself a good old fashioned {30 second}cry. 

Cocoa is doing better. A little less mopey….although, you can’t tell from THAT face. 
I’ve been taking her on walks every morning; something we’ve not done in a long time.

We’re all getting used to our new normal. Life goes on my friends.

Meanwhile, lets spread this ear worm.

Enjoy your day…. I”m off to plug in my hot rollers!