Once I grow a mango tree, the Food Network will be calling.

I have bragged before about my amazing salsa making talents.. surprise, it does not end there.

I am also a semi-professional mango salsa maker. 

Never mind the fact that both of these dishes do not require measuring or cooking of any kind. That should not stop Food TV from producing a show based on my two supreme recipes. 

Of course, it would be a two show deal.

I would require a contract and payment up front. Surely they may not like how condescending I am once I have my own show.

Back to the mango salsa.


And to think about 6 years ago, I did not even like mangos. Ok, I still don’t really like mangos, but I love mango salsa.

Don’t ask.

If you have never tried it, you must. I insist. And if you don’t, well this friendship of ours will never last.

For this smallish batch I used:

4 mangos. (not too soft, not too hard; Just right said Goldilocks.)

1/2 an onion. (I prefer red, but I only had white)

A bunch of fresh cilantro. (I love this herb so much I might just marry it)

Juice of one lime

2 smallish jalapenos.

(I have heard that pineapple adds a sweet twist to this as well)

IMG_1955_thumb1And now for the bestest kitchen hint I could ever share with you. If you already knew this, please don’t bruise my ego…keep it to yourselves.

ok, to peel a mango, all you have to do is score the skin in quarters and thenguess what?

The skin comes off in quarters. (see above)

I know, it is crazy cool.

Seriously. It took me years to figure this out.

All those times I peeled a slippery mango only to lose most of the mango meat in the peel…..proves I should watch the food network even more! Well, I will after I get my own show.



This salsa is awesome on top of a nice fresh piece of fish too. Or old fish, in case you live in Nebraska. 

You can thank me now.

 Next week tune in and I will show you how to open a can of creamed corn.

I give so much, it is exhausting.

40 thoughts on “Once I grow a mango tree, the Food Network will be calling.”

  1. I don't think I've ever eaten a mango! The salsa looks good. So, what will your show be called???


  2. This is one of your funniest posts – and that's saying something because you're always funny.I live with Mr. Food Network and we enjoy both Mango salsa and peach salsa….and I've experienced some pineapple added in.When you teach us how to open a can of creamed corn (blechhhhh!) I'd like you to tell us all the different applications for it…..


  3. Hey Suz, send me a batch! My ~as of now~ 19 x 19 x 32 inch fridge don't give me much room for anything, let alone the stuff to create anything 🙂 Ok Ok, I'll just wait for your show to air….Now I'm hungry…blah!


  4. Good Morning,I love cilantro too…so I'm sure I'd like this. But a fresh mango is just about as expensive as fresh fish here in the midwest. Next year when your home is my 'vacation destination', we can sit by your pool and eat Mango Salsa and chips.Thanks for all your kind comments on my blog. I think things are going to be fine and I am going to stay home for a few days.Have a terrific Tuesday. ~Natalie


  5. Oh, Suzy, I fear our friendship may be doomed. If I had to choose just one thing in the ENTIRE world to direct ALL my hatred toward, it would be CILANTRO! I HATE IT!!!! So, if you go ahead and marry it, I'm sorry, but I will NOT be attending the ceremony. The reception, yes, cuz you know I hate to miss a good party.


  6. oh you… i would LOVE to watch you on the Next Food Network Star! You would put all of them right in their place and you would get that 2 show deal. i just know it! this makes me think though… have i ever had anything that you cooked? love your salsa. love every salad you have ever created. i'm seeing no stove involved! but if you get the show… can i have a guest spot? if not, i will have to fight you to marry the cilantro.


  7. That looks amazing, Suz! I've never had that variety of Tostitos either but I assume it works well with this salsa so I'll go with it.What do you know about working with kiwis? Hmmm??


  8. And I just had a mango in my hand yesterday, but put it down because I had no idea what to with it. I could've been a salsa maker if you had just posted this earlier…


  9. Sounds good Suz, maybe I will try that. :POh I like those Multi Grain chips! but isn't that Multi Grain label a fooler —check the nutrition label -not too much difference than the regular ones.


  10. That looks yummy, indeed. I LOVE mangoes – like to buy them at Costco and make mango smoothies (or daiquiris). I once read a book that had a funny passage about the digestive issues due to \”intemperate mango eating\” but I will not quote it here – just love that phrase. You are temperate in all things. xoxo


  11. Yes – I vote for you to be on the food network! Can I be a re-occurring guest? And I didn't know that about peeling mangos so thanks for tip. LIke you, I only like it in salsa!


  12. You are so funny. I make a mean salsa too. The red kind. I love mango-pineapple salsa…from Trader Joe's ! 😉


  13. Oh you are just the most AMAZING person in the entire world. You are so full of helpful hints…. Can you make it rain here???? Please!!!!!! Maybe you could do one of your Suz Rain Dances for us!!!I like Mango–but have seldom eaten them. We did buy some Mango flavored Gatorade and it is delicious. Maybe I just need to try this special salsa…. Thanks!!!!!Hope the Food Network calls you TODAY.Hugs,Betsy


  14. Hi Suz. This is a very Martha Stewart type post! I have always had a time peeling a mango…now I know how to do it right. That salsa sounds yummers too, and since I really like a good mango,I will try it sooner rather than later. Thanks.I left a couple comments on the last post and blogger seems to be going a bit nuts. Not sure how they'll show up. Happy July!! x-c


  15. I think my comment might have been one you lost. I just wanted to say thanks for the great recipe and what will be the name of your fab new show???


  16. old fish in nebraska? why how dare you mrs. busy bee… i'm telling on you and youre gonna be in beeeg trouble (in little china)… yes indeedy.i have had mango salsa, and mango chutney to accompany indian chicken, its lervly..just lervly… i will have to try your version, missy…old fish in nebraska… hmmmffff ;)c


  17. Yummy! I think it would be good on chicken too! : ) I'll be tuning in next time, so take good pix of the corn! : )


  18. I don't usually watch the Food Channel, but I will definitely watch your shows! The mango salsa looks (and sounds) delicious.Does Coach know how you feel about cilantro?


  19. paula dean (sp?) just did a mango salsa on her show over the weekend…similar receipe….mango's are one of my favorites! don't care for the california version – prefer the phillipine version of the mango (it's got a more pronouned curve on the top (stem end)….


  20. Wow – that looks good! I'll have to bring that to my next picnic – I'll bet it will be a hit… thanks for sharing!


  21. Mango Salsa is a mainstay around our house…and you're right…pineapple is a great addition and/or substitution! I am visiting for the first time from Mary's Life in a Small Town Blog. Congratulations on your award! I'm now your newest follower and look forward to getting to know you. I'll be back!Candace~♥


  22. That looks yummy and yep, would be awesome with poached fish!(not old fish, yeccch)speaking of fish, we made our first home ceviche the other day with tuna – oh, to die for!!


  23. that sounds wonderful but last time i bought a mango it was like a rock and i am not sure hoe to make it good? and i live in kansas so no fish for us we are landlocked!!


  24. You know, I am not a fan of mangos, but i would try your mango salsa. Looks yummy!Also, I've never seen mangos that look like that. I am not well-versed in mangos. I'll have to find some and try them.


  25. as i am a lover of all things salsa, i'm copying out this recipe…or actually, making some changes on my peach salsa recipe \”also works with mango\”! my grandmother and i one summer must have eaten our weight in peach salsa trying to get the ingredients right…yummmm!!mangos here can be found, but….man or man are they expensive. must tell kiyoshi that we need to grow us some!! have a good one!!(oh…and just in case you're wondering….i'm reading a backlog of posts this evening and if you get a bunch of comments, well….that's why. sorry love, but my blogreading has fallen waaaay behind! i'm trying to be better!! <3)


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