This, That and The Other Thing.

 Edy’s fruit bars. My newest addiction. Nothing screams summer like a nice cold bar of fruit…and only 70 calories; cold, yummy, in my hot tummy. 
FYI, summer is not over in SW Florida until Thanksgiving. 
In case you wondered, my favorite flavors are tangerine, mango, pineapple, lime, grape and strawberry.

How does it feel to be that informed?

Why the hey are so many people in an uproar about the casting of a porn movie.
Geeze people; chillax. 
I mean really. Don’t we have more important things to worry about?!?!
Such as, what am I going to do after the last season of Mad Men is over?

The other thing:
Two of my favorite things have been combined.
Sesame Street AND Dave Matthews. 
Seriously. How awesome is that.
I’ve seen Dave in concert at least 13 times and this is the first time he has had a duet with a blue fuzzy monster. 

He sings about feelings. Guess what I am feeling?
Yep, I couldn’t love him any more than I already do. 

{I’m also feeling pangs of sadness….wishing I could help every person in harms way-some days, it’s tough being a person with a soft heart}

It’s hump day….lets get out there and share the love people!

16 thoughts on “This, That and The Other Thing.”

  1. Those fruit bars sound good… Strange summer for us though this year. We always switch from soup in the summer to smoothies —EXCEPT this year. We never had enough hot weather for a Smoothie –or even an Edy's Fruit Bar…. We are still eating soup….Crazy, huh????Hugs,Betsy


  2. I used to love fruit bars…they didn't have milk. But usually they have some form of sugar, so they are a no go for me these days. Waaah. My heart is sad these days too…looked at two different flags flying at half staff today as I walked. Breaks my heart.


  3. I saw the fruit bars in the store this week and wondered if they were any good. I'm glad to hear that they are. We haven't watched Mad Men, but we were saddened by the end of Burn Notice, although they did a good job of ending the series on a high note.


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