Nobody puts Baby in (a corner) Camp.


Except, for the baby herself.

Linds: The baby.

(that is what My G’ma referred to her as. The baby)

We had tentatively planned a Vegas trip for spring break…yes with the kids. But that plan fell through.

So, she declared this year, “I want to go to camp.”

Okie dokie.

Camp it is.


Our good family friend Connor has been going to this camp for years.

But she knows not another soul there.

She is a brave and adventure seeking kid.

She was on board and declared herself a camper this spring break.

A dude ranch camper.

Horseback riding , paintball, rock walls, zip lines, dancing, archery, water sports, skateboarding, photography…you name it. They will do it. (I wish I could have done this at 14 Or 42!!!)



Hence my Florida driving tour on Sunday. For my girls…anything.

Here is the kicker. This little baby of ours…well, she is a techno addicted kid. Forizzle.

Majorly addicted to her electronics.


So, when she learned that NO cell phones were allowed…and she  was game STILL, well we knew she was really GAME.  

Her little thumbs have never had this much of a break.

It could be bad for their muscle tone. Or good.


I pick her up on Friday. I miss her already.

If only she could call or text me….


28 thoughts on “Nobody puts Baby in (a corner) Camp.”

  1. oh my gosh! wow! where is this? i'm still shocked she is away from you 🙂 but i'm sure that within four minutes of you dropping her off, she already knew everyone and was cracking them up. because she is practically too much fun. and when you pick her up? you better have that cell fully charged! hmmm… maybe not if you wanna hear about her adventure! can't wait to hear about it!


  2. She's going to have SO much fun!!! I remember the first camp outing for my daughter. It was cheerleading camp for 3 days and I literally cried the entire time.


  3. My daughter is going to a dude camp in Wyoming this summer. I think I may miss being able to text her 24/7 more than I want to admit. There has to be a way around that rule, don't you think?


  4. What – she was okay with no cellphone! There must be some serious fun planned at this camp. It looks like a fantastic venue so I hope she enjoys it a lot.


  5. It sounds as if Linds is going to have a wonderful week. But I'm afraid that 'no cell phone' rule will be harder on Mom than on Linds.


  6. As much as I don't like the cell phone texting stuff I would have to say one call a day should be allowed to mom.


  7. I hope she is having fun. You are the BEST mommy. You gave your girls wings. And now they fly all over. And the beautiful thing is they always fly back to you : )


  8. Wow—that camp looks amazing, Suz…. I'm so glad that the \”Baby\” wanted to go. No cellphones???? How terrific is that… All kids need breaks from their electronics —and even adults do too!!! haSO–what are the other three of you doing this week to celebrate Spring Break?????Hugs,Betsy


  9. LOL – who's the addict, her or YOU?*grin*She's fine, she's having a blast – oh man, I'd love to be her right now!You are awesome parents to give your girls such support, encouragement, life experiences and trust. They are VERY lucky to have you guys!!Now breathe and have a cookie 😀


  10. she will have such a great time! and she will always remember this when she is older…it's great she can go… but i bet you do miss her.try to enjoy the quiet, lay by the pool, sip a nice drinkie pooh [or 4]… swim neked, blah blah blah… ya know, fun stuffs…c


  11. remember Suz- my baby went to Melbourne for ten weeks ( yes that is ten weeks) and it was the making of him ( and me). She will get loads out if it. I hope she has a fab time


  12. your 'baby' is one cool kid…what a great way to spend a holiday. personally, i'm thinking that at my age (not the 40 you were led to believe, but soon-48….ugh!) the \”no cell phone\” rule would be okay, but…there would have to lots of \”Sasparillas\” (of the alcoholic kind) and many, many handsome cowboys. i'm just saying.i'm sure she is having a blast!!I wonder….do they have an international exchange program at this camp? 😉


  13. How cool is that? Your baby looks ready to whoop it up and become a cowgirl! Andrew went to a three day dude ranch where they had to deal with animals and learn ranch stuff like riding …blah, blah. Same electronics! I like that rule but just for kids.No Vegas for me this year either, but I'm driving to FL so Ill spend a night in Buloxi and then my son and I will go on a gambling ship out of Port Canaveral.


  14. What a great adventure! I hope she will keep a journal, or maybe take pics of everything she liked the most. Or maybe she will be allowed to send an email? In any case I feel pretty confident that she will have a blast, if she has decided to do so. You know I was a camp-loving kid myself, so I think it's da bomb. Can't wait to see her pics and hear all about it!


  15. WOW! It sounds like bliss! Do they have a camp like this for 42 year old moms? We can shirk off our husbands, kids, and jobs and just go have FUN for a week?! Please??!! I would pay TOP (Ramen) Dollar!


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