Is Hot Water Essential? Real Estate Nonsense, Word Trickery & Biscuit Wants Top Billing

I’ve been pretty consistent in getting out at least one post a week, but still, not much to say. That is NOT to say there isn’t anything going on, but nothing interesting.

I’ve been biting my tongue typing fingers about the fact that I’d like to commit a hate crime on a few plumbers that can not show up (canceling day after day, with lame excuses) this past week to even give us an estimate on finishing the install of TWO new tankless gas water heaters that another plumber started working on in December of 2022 and never finished. (they worked for two days pulling gas lines through the house to the garages, then never came back, the permit has now expired) I could fill quite a few posts about that frustration. *sigh* *Breathe in, Breathe out* Ok, I gotta get my blood pressure down…. I shouldn’t complain, because at least ONE of our old tanks still works, but we have to manually drain it every few weeks or else our water smells like rusty metal; the other one completely died two weeks ago and now all my laundry is washed in cold water.

Moving on…

We’re still looking at houses, and last Sunday we visited FIVE open houses. FIVE. I was as drained as our dead hot water heater.

There is one house that we really do like; it’s still under construction and we’ve looked at it three times, had a meeting with the builders superintendent to get more information because the realtor was lacking a lot of details. Still, we don’t have ALL the information on this house, which is such a weird situation. Their realtor keeps telling us to put in an offer, but what the house HAS and WILL HAVE is still up for debate. So we should put in an offer NOT KNOWING how the house will be finished? Do we look stupid? Our realtor is also baffled about this and has been trying to get to the bottom of it all. This house has the perfect layout for us, a fantastic location and the yard suits our next phase.

Meanwhile, the market is being saturated with more houses for sale, which only benefits us, so we will see how it all pans out.

Suz stop complaining and Share Fun Stuff.

My girls and I have been playing and sharing Worldle and Connections daily.

I have some brilliant moments, and also some Suzanne, you’re dumber than a box of rocks moments.

I’m new to Connections; like Worldle, there is only one game per day; which is good, but there are times that I am so flipping baffled.

You have to connect four words to one single phrase/meaning/common thread.

That was one I figured out, but damn it if they aren’t trying to be sly! SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS were four different choices and you know my brain wanted to put them together. TRICKERY!

one more fun thing.

Do you remember how mean Peanut could be to Biscuit? Well, the tides have turned slightly….Biscuit isn’t mean to Peanut, but she is annoying and I’m here for it!

The sweet thing and also weird thing about Biscuit is she really likes to be CLOSE to you. She sleeps next to us each night and there are times that she literally climbs ONTO our heads and wants to sleep there. Is she trying to get into my head? Maybe. But she really loves sitting on top of Peanut who if you could read her mind, is cussing profusely. Karma is a charma!


Do you play Wordle or Connections? Would you be annoyed if Biscuit wanted to be up in your business?

35 thoughts on “Is Hot Water Essential? Real Estate Nonsense, Word Trickery & Biscuit Wants Top Billing”

  1. #1. Not having anything interesting to say never stopped me from posting. It basically describes my entire blog.
    #2. I couldn’t buy a house not knowing all the details no matter how perfect it seems. It sounds like a great way to get shafted not to mention disappointed.
    #3. Your dogs are a lovable hot mess. They always make me smile.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. What you’re saying is that you are blacklisted?

      You would like Connections; it really makes you think and you are a good thinker!


  2. Hot water is essential. For real. I fear that our washer does not use hot water when I switch it to hot, or warm even. There are enough other things going on that need attention – like the collapsed closet that happened before Christmas. It’s on Coach’s list.

    I hope you get more info on the house soon. Fingers crossed it’s all good info.

    Is there anything worse than workers not showing up? So irritating.

    Your dogs sitting on each other’s heads and then on your head. Well, the photos are funny, but I’d not be having it if a dog climbed into my bed, let along onto my head.

    I do not do Wordle. I’ve never heard of connections. Mini is into that stuff and I birthed her, so maybe I can score second hand points thru her success? I have enough trouble coming up with words in my own mind. I don’t think anyone should expect me to guess words that they’ve come up with.

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    1. The no hot or warm water in my washing machine must be a real problem because I dreamt about it last night!
      Nope, nothing worse than lame excuses from professional people as to why they can’t show up after making a commitment! I mean what the hell. How do you go through life like that?


  3. Bowser used to like to sleep around his momma’s head (and mine too, when I was pup-sitting at their house over a year ago). I wonder if he still does. I’ll have to ask. Good luck with the house search…I must have missed a blog or two where you discussed moving. I thought you had 2 places already, had bought a rural property, and had fixed up/were fixing up a condo that got damaged in a storm…it’s hard to keep up with you, Suz 🤣. So many balls in the air!!!!


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    1. lol! So many balls in the air, so few gloves to catch them! The condo that was damaged is a rental property; we would use it occasionally as a little getaway by the water, but we did not live there, and we probably never would. We are considering selling that condo in our main house And consolidating into one home in Florida. But we still are building on the property up in Georgia; that will be part of our estate for our kids and maybe a more long term spot for us, depending on how business goes and if I can ever get coach to retire.

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  4. Sitting on or pooping on, that is what I’m thinking?!!! LOL!

    Five open houses in one day is a lot, but would also be fun to me. I don’t understand how the builder’s superintendent doesn’t have all the answers. That seems ‘sus’ as the kids say nowadays. Sorry about the plumbing issues. I feel as if we are eventually going to run out of skilled workers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sitting on. Goodness, we have enough poop stuff happening around here already.

      Sus is correct. How do these people NOT have it together is what strains my brain.


  5. I’m addicted to both Wordle and Connections and have been playing both forever. My current Wordle streak is 97.

    I literally LOL at the dog photos. What the heck?! Revenge is … well, apparently it’s…whatever the heck that is.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 97. Look at you! I don’t know what my stats are, but I’m positive 97 isn’t in there!

      I know; I wish we knew what exactly is Biscuit thinking? What is she trying to achieve?


  6. We always wash all our clothes in cold water. *shrug* If I had to *shower* in cold water, though, I might have to consider helping you take out these no-good plumbers. Biscuit’s attitude re: personal space is #lifegoals for me.

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    1. You’ll not catch me showering in cold temps, but can you imagine how nice and shiny our ‘coat’ would be? I prefer to wash my sheets and towels in warm water, but my preference isn’t taken into consideration with these plumbers. 🫤


  7. Wow, Biscuit REALLY likes to get up close and personal!

    I love Wordle and Connections and play every day. Connections has been extra hard lately! Sometimes my brain refuses to find any link between any of the words. I guess it’s a well made game? And also, I hope it’s building all sorts of neural connections in my brain that will help stave off dementia or WHAT’S THE POINT.

    Good luck with the house hunt and the plumber. I have so much empathy with you on the plumber issue. Finding good help is SO HARD OMG WHYYYYYY. It should be simple to pay a person to do the job they are trained to do, the job they advertise they do, the job they presumably need to do to make a living. Why is it not simple, Suz? WHY?????????

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Biscuit has no clue about personal space. None.

      I have a feeling any neural connections I’m building are also departing when I’m racking my brain trying figure some of them out.

      I called another company after this post and they were here this morning for THREE hours going over everything in our house. Turns out we need to have all of our pipes redone as they are old PVC. This will be a big project and they will be able to do our hot water heaters for us too; crossing my fingers they don’t disappear off the face of the earth.

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  8. I do Wordle, Connections and Letter Boxed every day. Connections makes me insane but yet, I keep showing up for it.

    Yes, hot water IS essential – I still have PTSD from not having it for so long. And what is the deal with these contractors and not showing up. I think we should start charging them for wasting our time!

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  9. Hot water is my friend and yours, too. I am less than jovial when we don’t have it around here. Going to open houses? Oh, I begin the hyperventilate just thinking about doing that. So. Many. Things. To. Worry. About.

    I do Connections every day and am still bitter over some of the categories. The colors of the Brazilian flag? I was supposed to know that? 

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I always thought of you as a secret genius and now we have proof! That’s amazing Wordling my friend. Biscuit reminds me of my youngest son Brendan…constantly all over us with physical touch 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve been trying to cover my high intelligence for years and here I just spilled the damn beans! 🤣

      Biscuit and Brendan would get along so well!


  11. My daughter and I play wordle and share back and forth. I always have a particular word I start with and a few months ago it was the right word so that was pretty cool!

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  12. Wordle is one of the first things I do every morning. Tara and I have a friendly little competition over who can solve it in the fewest moves. Most of the time, it’s a toss-up. I love Connections too, especially because it’s so tricky. Tara doesn’t play, but I showed her the SPONGE BOB SQUARE PANTS puzzle because that was super clever, and I love when they do that.

    If/when the contractor finally shows up, just tell him, “Tanks but no tanks!”

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    1. Mark, I also play them first thing in the morning if possible. I’ve learned though, to scramble the words before I even look because they often put things together that shouldn’t be and then I can’t get it out of my brain.

      Tanks but no tanks. I see what you did there and I love it!

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  13. I used to play Wordle with a friend, but when she stopped playing with me, I stopped. Now you’re reminding me how much fun it was. Maybe I can persuade Anna to play with me. Or maybe my dad…

    He enjoys word games. He has me playing his word game, Word Connect. It’s fun, but there are far too many ads for my taste. He is far more patient than I am.

    I already have a Biscuit in my business every day. I wouldn’t want it any other way. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A Biscuit in your business. 🤣

      See if your dad will do the Wordle and connections (no ads with the NYT ones) with you—it’s fun. I promise. And what kind of friend gives up playing a game with you? Just so you know, I’d never do that. 🤣

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Those photos of Biscuit are too funny. Talk about asserting her place in the world!

    Ahhh the thing with the plumbers is too frustrating. Also – did we know you were buying a new house? I don’t think I knew that. I thought you were building something new in Georgia. Ah, you probably said and my brain isn’t working today.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve been wanting to downsize our house (or at least our property) for a few years; this house is a lot to maintain. I finally got the husband on board, but now the Florida housing market is LOCO. We will see what transpires over the next year.

      Biscuit loves to love. I think.


  15. Those “non” service people deserve a shanking. How frustrating. Searching for a house is so tiring. That seems so odd that there is info missing in the one you like. Do they not want to sell it? I have been doing Wordle daily for and Connections for a few months. It can be easy or very tricky. I share results with 2 friends and my husband. I’m very impressed with your “solved in 2 guesses”. I’ve done that maybe once or twice. Those pup pics are adorable. 

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Would you be available to assist me with all the shankings?

      I agree, some days the connections is easy and I feel like they’re trying to trick me. Seems like I have trust issues.


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