I learned at least one thing last week. Make that two.

Almond milk + Suzanne = bloat.
gassiness. bloated gassiness. Uncomfortable. Large. Ughhh.
NOT good. 
Back to the cow for my calcium. 
I might have made this face a few times over a two day {learning my lesson} period. 

I cooked a lovely crock pot pot roast on Monday. 
Crock pot pot roast. Say that 3x fast.
I added some rosemary from the garden and Lolo declared that when you add rosemary to anything 

And eating Christmas is good.

Being a bloated mess of a woman IS NOT GOOD.

Wishing you a great weekend with no bloat ….and may all your meals taste like a holiday.
Stay warm!

Did you learn anything this week?


28 thoughts on “I learned at least one thing last week. Make that two.”

  1. Bloat? Have you tried coconut milk? It tastes like nothing. Ha! I hope you stay bloat-free this weekend!And the only herb I cannot eat is rosemary. I have an aversion that can't be explained. I want to like it, but I can't even stand to smell it. I thought when I grew up it would change. Not.


  2. I LOVE almond milk, it would crush me if I got couldn't drink it anymore. Sorry, it's back to the cow for you… I'm planning on making a roast on Sunday (typical German food, roast, Kloesse (dumplings), red cabbage, salad) and I'll have to try your Christmas version. Sounds delish!


  3. I learned how wonderful electric blankets are when the temperature drops below zero several nights in a row. I hope you're feeling better and that we warm up. That way we can both have a good weekend.


  4. hmmm…and i was almost going to try almond milk. not now! but i love that face you make ;)christmas pot roast?! yum! i might have to try rosemary again…you know how i love holidays!


  5. We tried the almond milk…did not like it! The roast sounds delicious. Really cold here the last 2 mornings – 9 degrees. You guys have a nice weekend.


  6. I love rosemary. It's in my garden too. It's a wonder I don't kill it dragging my hand over it every time I go outside…love the smell on my hands. : ) So sorry you had trouble with almond milk. I use lots of it. Have you tried coconut milk? It's yummy. (carton..not the can stuff) It's supposed to be better for you than almond milk.


  7. Kay, I have tried the almond milk as well. I've had no SIDE effects….but it doesn't taste as good as the almond milk. Perhaps I will keep trying to LOVE it. (yes, I am trying the carton) I am a persistent one ya know…..XOXO


  8. oh that is not good, but i love that picture of you! i like vanilla almond milk in my coffee and cereal! and you know, now that you mention it, rosemary does make things taste like christmas, i love that!


  9. Ha ha I love the face you make !!We have been crock pot cooking a lot this month ~ I love a roast cooked in the crock pot .Next time I am adding Christmas~ err I mean Rosemary, to it though !Bloating makes me just want to float off into space and hide behind a cloud for the day until I deflate 😉


  10. Some of my favorite foods do that to me, so I've had to stop eating them…and just had two of them at a friend's dinner party last night. WHEW! I can relate to your almond milk episode. SO good, yet so bad. Have you tried coconut milk or soy milk yet? I like coconut, but haven't tried the soy.


  11. I love my milk….2% but still milk. I haven't tried the almond, silk or coconut. I bloat no matter what. I probably suck air.It's only 22 degrees this morning and I think I will make something in the crockpot too. Your pot roast sounds like a good idea. Oh, and one more thing….I want that dress!!!!


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