I Made It To Year Fifteen and My Present To You Is Hooker Heels And Lemons.

Today we I celebrate the fifteenth birthday of this blog. Or is it an anniversary?

WHO knew I could sustain such silliness for so long? I didn’t even foresee the internet lasting this long.

My blog was initially started a a way to keep my Mom up to date with our lives as she was in GA and I was in FL; ya know, anything to avoid a phone call! (I’d give all the toes on my left foot to call her today!)

From what I remember, the name at first was: ‘Day By Day With Suz’, (my moniker has always been Busy Bee Suz)

then, ‘Busy Bee Productions’, (making a production out of everything!) then I simplified with:

Busy Bee Suz. (you get tired as you grow older)

When I started this blog my girls were in 7th and 9th grade, and now they’re not. I was almost 41 years old, and now I’m not.

If this is an anniversary, Crystal is the traditional gift for year fifteen, so bring it on!

But if it’s my fifteenth birthday in 2023, I’d probably ask for a piercing or a tattoo. A sassy bee on my butt would be appropriate.

In 2020 I made the leap from Blogger to WordPress. I am 100% happy with that move. That being said, I thought l might lose my last four remaining marbles while do so. There are two different types of WordPress; hosted in house and hosted OUT of house. I tried out of house first (wordpress.org) and it was horrible; too much work and then I moved it to in-house hosting (wordpress.com); much easier. I think it’s $98 a year and it’s so freaking easy to add photos/videos which was a nightmare in blogger. And you know, I’m all about visuals here.

WordPress has great anyalytics/stats that you can look at if you’re interested. I don’t generally look, but this is a special occasion. Things I learned on my stats:

Most of my spam comes from Russia. Who knew Russians could be shady?

I average 5-8 posts a month, but in 2020, I averaged 10 a month; oh, to have that much time again!

Stats for 2022.

I have 160 subscribers. People receive my nonsense by email; I can’t imagine!

The busiest day on my blog was on 8/6/2020 when I shared about a documentary movie and that a bear was in my ‘hood.

The most looked at post of ALL time is Gravel Gertie and Other Lies.

Why does one blog? For the comments, of course!

Kidding-it’s not the only reason, but the Proof Is In The Comment Pudding: Kari is my number one fan. (said in the voice of Kathy Bates in Misery)

(Ernie, not sure why you didn’t make the cut?)

How do people search/find me?

Toe nails and hooker heels; this is how I reeled you guys in? What? No one is looking at how I raise butterflies or spend countless hours doing charity work? It’s like the world has gone mad.

I’m shocked there aren’t any searches referring to teeth, bananas or shanking as I’ve talked about that many times.

I will try my best to continue on as this is life changing material you won’t find anywhere else.

I will soon be MIA since we have our big Veterans Charity event this weekend; in other words: I’ll be wearing hooker heels & removing toe nails while squeezing busy bee lemons. (gotta keep up my stats!)

Wait: please don’t let Lemons mean something other than fruit!

Thanks to everyone who visits here and especially those who can leave a note; I appreciate you!

Do you remember how you found me and/or is there one post or ‘thing’ that sticks out in your memory of this blog of nonsense?

If you blog, how long have you been at it?


35 thoughts on “I Made It To Year Fifteen and My Present To You Is Hooker Heels And Lemons.”

  1. Seeing that I’m in the top commenter list let me be the first to say happy anniversary! I love your blog and though I’m not sure how I found you… I’m certain it wasn’t while searching for hooker heels, my bunions won’t tolerate those anymore.
    Whatever kind of bee you call yourself, I for one am very glad you’re here.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m excited to be a top commenter! But now I’m wondering how I found you? I only recently followed Kari and I’m guessing Mark found you through me. So, who’s our missing link? Was it Martha from Seaside Simplicity?

    Congrats on the milestone! I started in 2008 when my oldest was a senior in high school. Now, she’s a mom of three. Ok, I just realized it was 15 years for me in March. Lol, I missed that!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You need to have a belated celebration! Not sure how we found each other either, but I’m so happy we did: Kindred Spirits!!


  3. Aw, happy anniversary! I’m at 15 years too, solidarity girlfriend! I love your blog and am always excited to read it, although I prefer bees and butterflies to toenail removal. Just, you know, putting it out there.
    I never look at my stats (mostly I don’t know how) but now I’m really curious. Maybe I shall try! Who are we kidding, I’m going to forget immediately.
    Love this blog and I hope we will be celebrating you in another 15 years!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Twinning!!
      I’ve been meaning to write more about my butterfly stuff as it’s ongoing, but time has not been my friend lately. (projects and dogs are taking it all up!)
      If you DO REMEMBER To look at your stats, let us know what kind of keywords are bringing people to you. It’s interesting.


  4. Happy 15th Blogoversary, Suz! May you have many, many more! Next month will be my 15rh year at this too. I remember that one of the very first HORRIFYING posts of yours that I read was all about your baby teeth collection. I knew right then and there I had to read you all the time, LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We weirdos have GOT to stick together. 😜❤️ Happy upcoming anniversary; may you keep us smiling to eternity. XO


  5. I LOVE IT WHEN I WIN!! What is my prize? Please say it’s a car.

    Happy Anniversary!! I never expected to still be blogging because I rarely follow through on most things. I’m so glad I have people like you around to make it fun. That is code for you should not stop blogging. And since I am your number one fan, you should probably listen to what I say.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m giggling at you, Not Following Through. Look at you now!

      I was going to send you four cars, One for each of you, (Ella would have to park her Tesla for a bit) but since you said you don’t love Billionaires, I’ll have to gift those cars to someone else. I’d hate to offend you. 😜😳

      Other than that, I AM listening, always listening. XOXO

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I demand a recount. Something’s fishy in your polls, dang it. You are in Florida, so are you having an issue with dangling chads? I thought maybe the stats were only counting readers on WordPress, but that doesn’t seem to be it either. It’s a mystery, because I love your blog and I show up OFTEN.

    I am very curious how I found you. Maybe thru Nicole’s blog? Maybe thru Kari? I think the first post I read was about people coming in town for a wedding.

    It’s hard to pick my favorite. The one when you and Coach lived not far from one another and had photos taken with the same Santa stands out. The look back at where you lived and how you and your friend in Texas were had babies at the same time was fun. Oh, the ghost in your house when you were little. So freaky. I loved the wedding post.

    You’ve written a lot of posts that have just made me laugh about something silly or a tie in/play on words that I didn’t see coming. You’re a clever one, my friend.

    I’d move over to WordPress if I thought I could survive the tech issues. You are a good saleswoman. I do find that posting photos and videos is easier than it once was. You WordPress bloggers have a polished look about you. Not sure I belong in that kind of environment (today’s post explains that).

    Happy 15th anniversary. Wherever I found you, I’m sure glad I did. You are a ray of light and a dear friend. All the best with the charity work.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hanging Chads. It’s a thing!

      You remember more of my posts than I do; thank you for that!! ❤️❤️

      If I ever visit you, we will carve out a day to migrate your blog to WordPress because I know YOU WILL LOVE IT.

      Thank you for your conintuned support. XOXO


  7. I sometimes think about migrating to WordPress and then I think about the work and I just give up. LOL. I’m too lazy for that. Congrats on 15! It’s such a big milestone – do you think you’ll get it a learner’s permit?

    I don’t know how I found you. Maybe you left a comment on someone else’s blog (Nicole – Girl in a Boyhouse?) and I followed the link here? I’m sure it must have been something like that!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I am 100% sure I found you whilst searching for hooker heels. Duh.

    Happy blog anniversary, and I’m glad you made the leap from Blogger. I started out there as well, but only lasted a few weeks before making the switch. WordPress has always been bigger and better in my opinion.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s funny that I can only remember one post that included Hooker Heels, but perhaps I’ve forgotten that those were my thing? Nah….

      WordPress is a game-changer!

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  9. Happy blog anniversary/birthday (or whatever we are calling it)!! I’ve no idea how I stumbled into this universe of yours but I’m really glad I did! I think my blog has been around since 2009 – who would have thought we’d hang on this long?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Happy Anniversary! I always look forward to your posts and they always make me chuckle. I think I found your blog through the link on Ernie’s blog (same way I found a few other faves;). I really loved all your butterfly posts and recall being so envious as I’d love to do that — but don’t think butterflies winter well up here in chilly Canada! Now I need to go back and read your other top hits! Keep doing what you are doing Suz – we love you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pat, thank you so much for your kind words. I look forward to hearing from you whenever I post something, so we are a great couple together! ❤️🤓


  11. This is a wonderful accounting of the state of your blog. Happy Anniversary! As for hooker heels, I haven’t heard that term in years. Never wore them, not that there’s anything wrong with them, of course.

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  12. Congrats on #15. I think you found me and I holla’d back. It doesn’t matter; I’m really glad we’re virtual friends.

    Once I come back from hiatus, I’ll be celebrating #18.

    I’ve learned a lot about butterflies and staghorn ferns from you. Hooker heels…? Not so much.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Eighteen years! WOW. I’m glad I can share my love of butterflying and nature. Perhaps I should stop talking about hookers and heels and return to nature? 😳


  13. I found you relatively recently through Ernie I believe. Side note, I found Ernie through June Gardens – if you know, you know – and just love your blog. Thanks for doing it and Happy Blog Birthday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love how one person can lead you to another! Ernie is one of my faves. I remember reading June years ago; did she retire her blog? I enjoyed reading her thoughts, but she wasn’t interactive, and that was a bummer to me. Thanks for chiming in!


  14. Happy blogoversary! Cheers to 15 more years!!!

    I’ve been blogging seriously (seriously!?) since September 3, 2009. So that makes it almost 14 years for me. I remember the date because it was a year until my 2nd wedding and I started the blog to record the goings on and preparations of that year. I was 50.

    I started out in Blogger too, and have undergone several name changes. I also (mostly) love WordPress and have my own domain. Yeah, it costs a bit but so far as hobbies go…hey, it’s not as spendy as golf!

    I’ve added you to my Feedly, Suz…so hopefully I will get notifications again now.
    Keep on blogging, my friend!!!


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  15. Congratulations on 15 years! I think I’m at 16 or 17 but I have to go back and check! I thought of moving my blog to WordPress but I am so not computer savvy that I probably would lose the whole thing!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Happy Blog-iversary! If I remember correctly that’s what we used to say waaaaaaayyyy back in the blogging day. I just checked and I’ve been blogging since April 2007. Yikes! That’s a lot of words.

    I can’t remember how I found you but I imagine it was from a blog link up. Remember how people used to do those? Ahhhh….the good old days!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. A sassy bee on your butt! THIS MUST HAPPEN.
    I don’t remember how I found you. I barely remember my children’s names these days, so that’s not surprising. I think it was one NaBloPoMo November when suddenly I stumbled onto this amazing vein of people who were still blogging like the olden days, and it was such a gift.
    I bought hooker heels once. They hurt my feet. Eve went as Life with a basket of lemons for Halloween one year. If lemons mean something dirty, NO ONE TELL ME


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