Taking My Falls International & Hoarding Hair Appliances

Remember my little fall in Georgia a few years ago while gardening our window boxes? Since then, I’ve not been allowed to plant flowers in the boxes. It is now Coach’s job, and I’m ok with that, I do have a little PTSD from the event.

Recently, I did a number on myself while departing a restaurant in Madrid.

If you’ve been to any OLD place on the planet, you know the streets/pavement/cobblestones/sidewalk aren’t always even or up to the standards that most places in these United States demand. So in places like Spain, you need be careful or else you’ll fall OUT OF A restaurant on any given night.


It was the perfect storm: Dark. I was wearing wedges. I had two glasses of wine.

Honestly, I can’t even blame the wine, the wine was innocent and this would have happened regardless.

As we stepped out of the entry way, my left foot touched the earth, then my right foot did not follow suit as the ground was lower. Do What Now? My foot not touching the ground when I expected it to touch, was too much for my brain and I went down like a vintage casino in Vegas, landing on my wrist, then, elbow, jamming my shoulder.

After the Coach pulled me up, I had to turn around and take a pic for evidence of my mishap. Because this wasn’t my fault, this was the fault of the earth.

If I was looking down, this wouldn’t have happened, but apparently I was being a LOOK AT THE BEAUTIFUL NIGHT SKY kind of gal at this moment.

My right shoulder was almost useless the next few days, but it finally settled down and I once again give High Fives with my favorite hand for the remainder of our trip.


A few days after we were home and my shoulder pain was a thing of the past, and was I happy with that? Obviously, not.

I was coming up the three stairs from the garage, carrying our cordless blower in my right hand and the extra battery in my left hand. I caught my toe on the bottom step and proceeded to fall onto the top step, jamming my right wrist/elbow/shoulder into the doorway.

You should have been there, IT WAS EPIC.

Why was I in such a hurry that I couldn’t pick up my foot properly? I dunno, maybe I had an inkling that HGTV was gonna do a Surprise Show-Up at my door and I felt it was an emergency that I get to blowing off the front porch and the lanai area ASAP.

I felt ok at first, but a few days later, my shoulder wasn’t moving as it had in the past. I mean, it could move, but it hurt to raise my hand, wave, reach up into a cabinet. If only I wasn’t RIGHT HANDED and of course, trying to use my left hand for anything is futile. Not sure why I even keep the left one around as it can’t even write my name.

To put it simply: I could not RAISE THE ROOF and that is sad because raising the roof is one of my favorite sports.

I struggled for two plus weeks before seeking help, hoping it would go away. The orthopedist said I have tendonitis/bursitis from the trauma.

A steroid shot was given and he suggested I seek therapy.

Me: Ha! My kids suggested I start therapy, but I’m good.

He clarified: Physical Therapy.

Oh, yeah, that makes sense.

The 80’s called and they want their hair appliances back.

In my ongoing quest to clean out the house, I worked on our large storage cabinets in our bathroom this past week and can you guess how many sets of hot rollers I came across? Do you even remember those?


Four sets of hot rollers and the original old school curling iron I had while in Beauty (1985) School! And guess what? Unlike the million dollar appliances you buy today, they all still work!

If you’re wondering, of course I saved one small set of rollers, just in case the fad ever comes back in style.

Did you ever use Hot Rollers?

Do you think I should start wearing a helmet with all this falling business AND seek therapy for my head and not just my shoulder? Wait, don’t answer that second part.


33 thoughts on “Taking My Falls International & Hoarding Hair Appliances”

  1. I’d like to laugh at your hot rollers and OG curling iron but if you look in the back of my master bath closet you’re apt to find the same. 🤣
    So sorry for all your mishaps. There’s nothing worse than vacation injuries. I struggled with that type of shoulder pain for a year. My doctor forced me into twice weekly therapy for two months… which did absolutely nothing. If anything, it hurt more when I was through. They finally sent me to an orthopedist who shot my joint full of something marvelous and the pain disappeared. I have twinges now and then but nothing major.
    Of course I don’t fall up and down stairs as often as you do, so that’s helpful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do seem to be a clumsy girl. The steroid is already helping a lot and I too have heard that physical therapy doesn’t always do the trick. We will see!

      Have you used any of those hair appliances in a while? I wonder if yours also work.

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  2. Oh gosh, I was so waiting for you to say TORN ROTATOR CUFF, and I was going to be SO SORRY FOR YOU IN SO MANY WAYS. Thank goodness you didn’t suffer that! I’ve been to PT several times for shoulder concerns and have found it helpful. I hope you do, too.

    Falling is The Worst. Being justified in it makes it only marginally better. I’m glad you didn’t hurt your face or your teeth. Ugh.

    I have a set of hot rollers, but have had a few more in the past when I had very long, very thick hair. Curling irons seemed like they’d be good, but they took too long for my patience. And I always burned myself!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The PA hoped to rule out torn rotator cuff first thing and I’m glad that was not the case for me. YIKES. I really need to take my time and pay attention to where I’m putting my feet. You are right, landing on my face/teeth would be far worse.

      From what I remember, Hot Rollers seemed to burn my scalp. I think because I have fine/thin hair and there isn’t much in between the heat and my scalp.


    2. Falling is horrible, and I’m glad, like Nance, that it wasn’t worse, but I’ve got to admit: I got shivers when I read “falling up”, that’s such a magnificent imagery (especially if less pain is involved..). Love the phrase!

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  3. I too, am a bit of a clutz. I am sorry you went for a tumble (twice). I was curious about your shoulder because my “favourite” shoulder has been giving me pain for about a month now. I’m just hoping it will go away. Did your steroid shot help? I had hot rollers just like the biggest box you showed in your picture. And boy, did I use them! Those, along with a good helping of hair spray, made for some luxurious locks! Always enjoy reading your posts – they make me laugh! -Jenn

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Jenn,

      Yes, the steroid shot has helped tremendously. I’m also icing it a few times a day and taking one to two Aleve daily; this was all recommended from the PA.

      I’m glad I made you laugh! Thanks for the visit and I hope your shoulder feels better soon.


  4. i have hot rollers and stll use them every now and again. i have really long, thick naturally curly hair so i usually get by with just washing my hair, scrunching in some gel, and letting it dry naturally. however, in certain weather (hot, humid), my curls can get really frizzy– and i’ve been known to use the rollers in an attempt to tame the frizz (even tho it never works). **hair, sigh**

    i’m so glad that you didn’t do any major damage to your shoulder … and am glad that the steroid shot is bringing some relief! be careful, Suz!!! 🙂

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    1. I’m envious of your long, thick, curly hair! But of course, aren’t we always envious of everyone else’s hair? Like you said, hair, sigh. 😔

      I again, for the nine hundred and seventy fifth time tried to let my hair airdry instead of blowing it out and the next morning it looked like I brushed it with the leg of a chair. Waves in the back, straight in the front, no rhyme or reason!

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  5. Oooff! I can see how you fell like a vintage Vegas casino 🙂 The good news in all of this is that you likely don’t have osteoporosis (like yours truly) or you would have broken something for sure! Two weeks ago, I pivoted on our two steps that lead from the house to the garage and rolled my damn ankle. Fortunately, it felt better after a few days, but I felt like it was a close call.

    Of COURSE I used hot rollers. I had mine for a long time and I do know they still worked when I pitched them. Then, 10 years ago, I got the bright idea that maybe if I used hot rollers for my daughter’s wedding, my hair would stay looking good for longer. So, I bought a small set and tried them and I looked ridiculous! The curling iron had to suffice but sadly, my hair didn’t look great that day. I suppose I should have gone to the salon like the rest of the bridal party, but I was worried that someone I didn’t know would mess up my hair. And now I’m vaguely remembering something about your hair for your daughter’s wedding??

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was told after my last bone density exam that I have osteopenia in my lower back. I believe this is fairly common in our age group. Welp, you’d better be careful because I don’t want you breaking anything, as I’m sure you feel the same way.

      Bijoux, why does our hair have to be such a *thing*? Yes, I hated that I let someone else do my hair for Lolo’s wedding. I cringe seeing the photos of myself, but then I have to remember it wasn’t my day and my daughter was glowing and gorgeous, so there’s that. I’ll know better the next time. 🤩


  6. Dang – if you lived nearby, my Coach could be your PT. How fun would that be? Sorry the earth has not been cooperating with you. Sore shoulders are not fun. I hope the PT helps. If he doesn’t fix it quickly, then I order you to fly to Chicago and we will get your straightened out . . . with a few lunches or what-not in between your boring PT appointments. 😉

    My mom used to curl my hair before school because I always woke up with it sticking out all over when I was in 3rd grade. I think we had a set of hot rollers and I might have had those used on my boy hair once. Why wasn’t I allowed to just have long hair? That would’ve fixed so much of the trouble.

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    1. I wish your Coach could be my PT! Turns out the place I was trying to get into doesn’t accept our insurance, so womp womp womp. Still trying to figure that out.

      Why did your mom not let you do what you wanted with your hair? I still can’t get over it!


  7. If it’s any consolation, the way you wrote about falling down was both humorous and poetic. This made it possible to laugh at you while also sympathizing with you. A rare feat. Well done.

    I have never used hot rollers, but – and I can’t believe I’m admitting this on a public forum – I did borrow my mom’s curling iron to curl my hair in high school once.

    The ’80s were weird.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the compliment, that means a lot coming from a professional.

      The 80’s were probably weirder for you with the curling iron, but I get what you’re saying. 🫣 We all did some strange stuff—our age + the time= awkward, but oh-so-fun!

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  8. Of COURSE I used hot rollers. In fact, I had the set my mother had (and yes, they still worked)! I finally broke down and got rid of them (I think) once I determined I would never straighten my hair again only to turn around and curl it.


  9. Oops – hit enter too fast.

    Sorry to hear about your fall(s). Are we related? I got up the other morning, stepped on my slipper, lost my balance and slammed into the wall; what a wake up call. I now have a spectacular bruise to prove it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dang!! Not the slipper fall to the wall fall! I hope you heal quickly and I suppose we all need to just.watch.where.we.are.going.


  10. I’m sorry you fell. Doing so at home is difficult enough, let alone elsewhere. The life of a klutz is never easy.

    Did you ever use Hot Rollers? Hell yes! But I’d be in a hurry to get them out of my hair, get them stuck in my frizzy hair, and they’d end up dangling from head ruining the curls + accidentally burning my neck. 😒


  11. I have PTSD from Mike’s fall last year, so I read this post with my hand over my eyes. The entrance/exit from that restaurant is a nightmare. I would have tripped and fallen sober. I fell down walking in Chicago in the middle of the day while sober, so there you have it. I also needed physical therapy. Twice. 🙂

    Hot rollers! I haven’t used those since the 80s! I used to have the rubbery rollers that I could wear all night. 🤣

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kari, those rubbery rollers to wear at night were also a nightmare; you never did get a good nights rest with them. Why must we torture ourselves over vanity? I’m DONE with all of that.


  12. Oh boy Suz- can I ever empathize!! I have been focusing on taking my time and being more focused on my task. It seems to be helping – fewer injuries! All of Europe is a tripping hazard – you need to watch the sidewalk all the time; much harder to do in the dark. Yes I used hot rollers but, ummm 40 years ago!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “All of Europe is a tripping hazard”—ain’t that the truth!

      So, you’re saying you don’t currently have four sets of hot rollers at your disposal? That just seems sad. 🤣


  13. Ahhhhh Suz, your poor shoulder!!! Falling is no joke and I’m glad you’re okay, although that sounds super painful.

    Of COURSE I had hot rollers for my giant hair back in the 90s. I don’t still have them, but I am very curious about those heatless rollers that are advertised to me constantly on IG. I will probably weaken and buy them eventually, so I’ll report back my findings.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My shoulder is actually feeling much better, thank you and thanks to the steroid injection.

      I’ve not seen those ads on IG, so please internet::—DO NOT SEND THEM MY WAY, keep them on Nicoles feed!


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