TGIF; Please learn English and drive in the correct lane.


The Florida Everglades

Have you ever visited a foreign country where you did not speak the language and the natives were not very friendly to you because you were an outsider? I visited a place such as this three times this week. The foreign country is Miami! No habla Espanola.

Grandma was much better yesterday when I visited her. She had to go into the GI unit for a procedure. They were poking around inside and said everything looked good. Last time I checked, good is good. I judge her health on her attitude and personality. On Tuesday, she had neither. Yesterday she had some. I saw a glimmer of my sassy G’ma. Even trying to come out of anesthesia, she had a few sassy comments for the nurse. She thanked me for “reporting for duty” and then later on she said to me: “I love you Suzanne.”

I love you too G’ma.

Yes, she is much better. Not feeling as much pain. Not sure when she will get to go home, or what shape she will be in when she gets there. One day at a time. What she wants most right now, is to be in her own bed. Her own house.

All the nice comments and emails that I have recieved are just amazing. SO many nice folks out there and you visit me daily?!? thank you all. Your well wishes mean a lot!

Lucky for everyone me,I did not have to make any road rage *wishes* yesterday. But I have ONE request. Please, please spread the word: The LEFT LANE is for PASSING ONLY!!! Sorry about the screaming, that just chaps my lips. (I hate chapped lips. don’t you?)


How is that for an awesome sky last night??? Pretty good, pretty pretty good. (I stole that from Larry David)

No plans for the weekend aside from a trip to see Grandma.

I hope everyone has a safe weekend full of fun, love and people who drive in the correct lane that don’t cause me to make a bad wish on them. cold sores are not pretty.

Anything exciting going on in your neck of the woods?

Planning a labor day party? Am I invited? YES? What can I bring?

20 thoughts on “TGIF; Please learn English and drive in the correct lane.”

  1. I am glad to hear that Grandma is better. She sounds like a strong woman and will fight this, so she can be home.Oh, and any party I might have? You are on the top of my guest list!! ~Natalie


  2. Yes, Since my daughter lives there, I have visited that foreign country that you speak of and yes that has been my experience with many of the people there.I'm glad that your grandma is doing better and getting her spunk back…hopefully when you go there this weekend you will come back with more tales to entertain us with about her sassyness.I am so with you about the left lane passing thing…when I was on my trip this summmer it totally irritated the crap out of me.Happy weekend!


  3. i wonder if people drive by you and think- gosh, i can't stand it when people are driving and taking pictures! they can think it all they want, just as long as they are not makin' wishes!! i love that first photo… that beautiful sky over that endless alley 🙂 and i am with you on those left lane drivers!!!


  4. Hey beautiful friend! I'm just reading your blog after a LONG absence – I'm so sorry about your grandma being in the hospital… but it sounds like she's on the mend. The photos are BEAUTIFUL!And thanks for my bday card – you're the sweetest! 🙂


  5. I am so thankful that Grandma is better. Spunk is a good thing to see with her!!!What an awesome sky. Reflects the peace that you must have felt seeing her so much improved. No big plans for Labor Day here – maybe a batch of brownies!


  6. Love the pictures! Glad G'ma is on the mend! And while we are reminding people that the left lane is for passing only, let us not forget the ever important: You are driving an automobile, not a phone booth, brothel, and/or fast food restaurant! Please hang up/zip up/put the burger down and drive!


  7. Glad to hear your grandma is better. Being a midwesterner living in the south, I can say NO ONE speaks my language. Two years here and I am just now starting to understand some of what they say. Oy Vey!


  8. I'm glad to hear that your Grandma is doing better. I love your sky pictures, especially the sunset. Your left lane drivers must be visiting from Tennessee (or are our left lane drivers up here from Miami?).


  9. Glad G'ma is better. Hope she gets to go home soon. I know about sleeping in one's own bed. There's nothing better. Bless her heart!!!!AND–you know how I feel about left-lane drivers. Grrrrrrr….. Be careful in Miami though… Don't show any 'road rage' since you may get shot….Have a great weekend and keep us posted about G'ma.Hugs,Betsy


  10. That palm tree in the sky is freaking amazing, BB! WOW! But if you took it while driving, it's daaangerous :-oYes, I be a mama sometimes.Such good news about your G'ma! Yey! She'll be home in no time 🙂


  11. I just went to my window, stuck my head out and screamed, \”I'm as mad as hell and the left lane is for passing!\”Wonderful post — incredible pictures. I drank them in (have to drink something — bad joke).Glad to hear Grandma is feeling better. She's in my prayer.Hugs,Sue


  12. Your grandma sounds wonderful and glad for you both she's feeling better.I am possibly the most righteous driver in America so I will help spread your words to those on the roads.Enjoy the rest of your weekend 😀


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