Losing My Car {or mind?}

Do you ever forget where you parked your car in a crowded parking lot? Ok, sometimes it may not even be that crowded.

I have joked before about getting a huge plastic bouquet of red carnations for my antenna. Sure sign that I have packed my bags and am moving into old lady town.


I seem to lose my car a bit more these days, but really, losing it is not the worst part. The worst part is, my brain immediately goes here:

“Oh great, I wonder how quickly the GMC dealer can get a hold of one of those hybrid Denali’s in white?”


Is that bad?

20 thoughts on “Losing My Car {or mind?}”

  1. I lose my car all the time. So I try to park in the same general areas at every store I frequent. Even if I get a 'bad' parking place in that certain area, at least I can find my car. Every time I stray from the plan I feel like a doofus b/c I can't find it. Hubs parks where ever…what is it with guys? I always tell him when we're together that if he passes out, we're doomed forever b/c I can't find the car! LOL


  2. oh suz… do you really think santa will bring you that? i lose my car all the time (and i'm not even caught up to your age yet!) good thing eric got a good supply of those mickey mouse antenna bobbers… my car is the only one out there with the easter egg mickey on it 🙂


  3. Oh yes Suz I am right there with you! Ugh. I LOVE your header picture of the girls…they are so darn sweet and beautiful. XX Lori


  4. Just last week, as I walked around and around the parking lot pushing all the buttons on my remote thinking eventually something would lead me to my car, a man came up to me and asked if I owned the blue van over there with all the doors opening and closing and lights and horn flashing. I denied that I did. But then I had to wait until he left so I could get in that same van and drive home.


  5. Hey Hey—-don't knock \”Old Lady Town\”…. It's a pretty neat place to be!!!! NOW—I truly have an excuse for doing crazy, weird things!!!!! Of course, you won't ever get like me!!!!!!!! Just get a beeper—so when you lose your car, use your remote and let it beep at you!!!! ha haHugs,Betsy


  6. Wondering about how quickly you can get a hybrid is not bad. Forgetting where you parked your present car — not so good. Perhaps you could find a plastic boxer (dog) to put on the antenna!


  7. I did this not long ago…and it was pouring down rain…everyone sees you wandering around and knows what's wrong and they're thinking what an idiot…


  8. It's only bad because you apparently think you've lost it permanently! This does happen to me too! But only when I have a huge shopping cart full of groceries.


  9. If I can't park in exactly the same spot as I always do, I hover until the owner of the car parked in MY space comes out. Or I go home. Then I never lose my car. Usually. Unless I forget which spot is mine because I shop in too many stores….


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