It was just yesterday…


That she started rolling around the floor…


This weekend she was rolling dancing up a storm at her Prom!


Another milestone checked off her list…that list is just flying through my brain!


They could be in a toothpaste commercial…


Can’t forget little sister Linds…


After doing hair and make up for LoLo and her friend…this mama was wiped out!


Proud Papa!

A “rarely” seen hug between sisters…I see more unicorns than I see this… 


How awesome is it that Cinderella can drive her own chariot…no mice or pumpkins were injured!!!

31 thoughts on “It was just yesterday…”

  1. Holy cats! What a grown up! You know prom pictures from the 70s? Dudes with ruffly shirts, bright blue and green and all? This young man will be proud to look at his picture in 30 years and say \”man, I was dressed SHARP\”.


  2. Your daughter looked beautiful and her friend looked very handsome. I am so not ready for our girls to go to prom, good thing we still have a few years..


  3. These photos are just PRICELESS. She is radiant, beautiful, sweet and she rocks that dress! Her date is handsome and has such a nice smile, too. I see what you mean about the toothpaste commercial.I hope the dance was as much fun as these photos are!


  4. Teary eyes for me,also..such a lovely post..proud parents,loving siblings..and sisters at that!beautiful photos!warmest hugs..Loui♥


  5. Hi There Suz, I'm trying to catch up today… Will take me forever!!!! ha…. Your LoLo is just gorgeous–both she and her fellow…. They looked so great for their prom. Love her dress… AND–wasn't that sweet of a hug for Lil Sis….Happy Birthday to your Mom… What a sweet post in her honor. I'm sure she loved it. That last picture of all of you all is incredible.Your pool –and 'rock' area is so gorgeous. I love your beautiful yard also.Hope you have a wonderful week.Hugs,Betsy


  6. Wow what beautiful girls you have! And the time is just flying by…Cherish each moment (I know you do). When I get a phonecall or note in the mail from my Jessica I am in heaven. Lets see, she's 29 and I still miss her being in the same house. :>(


  7. She is lovely. And so grown up. You did beautiful hair and makeup. You are outstanding. I am glad you didn't harm any pumpkins.I love your family.


  8. Her make-up and hair looked GREAT! Job well done momma! Her dress is beautiful too 🙂 I think I might have to hold my little one extra tight tonight… I don't want to blink and miss her grow up!


  9. what a beautiful moment! She is beautiful! My little girl is 14 months old now….I am SURE time will fly by before I know it and she'll be off to prom and I'll be crying, wondering where the time went! She and her date were lovely! A beautiful dress! Fanatic color on her!


  10. What a weekend! Kids grow up entirely top fast. I'm convinced my daughter went straight from learning to walk to her first prom. You have a beautiful daughter (actually two).


  11. awwwwwwwww [tears up] how precious, suz! yep, our hearts skip a beat with every new milestone. lo is beautiful and her face was glowing! such warm pictures. wow. and daddy? more tears… every girl should have a doting dad like


  12. I am hormonally unbalanced after reading this post. Okay, maybe it wasn't this post's fault, but still.She is a beauty. A genuine beauty. Then again, how could she NOT be a beauty???\”


  13. WOW…. I remember her and MY daughter pulling each other around the kitchen on little blankets…. like 3 months ago? Actually that was several years ago, but it SEEMS like 3 months ago.She's just beautiful honey. They BOTH are. You and Coach have DONE GOOD.


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