


 The ‘Man in Black’; he could rock a prison song.

johnny cash 

I love to wear black; therefore I rock. Perhaps I’m wrong?

Suz and Coach

Lo and Linds rocked black (& white & pink) for the homecoming dance.

Homecoming 2010

After they departed with their dates, I nearly blacked out, given the chance.

How I adore the black stones on my lil’ bee,


It seems forever ago since we provided a black car for our oldest sweetie.

LoLo 4-11-2010 

I love the Black eyes on this sweet and sassy frog,

1cute frog friend

Don’t tell him, but a facelift is needed for the black muzzle of Ozzie dog,


Black trees so pretty in the evening sky,


A black shadow, declaring ‘Peace’ says I.


I hope all you clever people don’t hold it against a girl, or blacklist a Bee, for her lack of Monday morning creativity.

It’s only Black for heavens sake. So, please give me a break.  


Thank you JEN for hosting Colors on Monday…you had me looking INSIDE the box. {of colors}

42 thoughts on “*Black*”

  1. Do you suppose that Ozzie and I could get a twofer deal on the facelifts?There is no explaining it, but I still love that man in black's music. Now I'll have to play his stuff for the next hour or so. See what power you have over my day? Maybe tomorrow you could write about getting skinny????


  2. Black is my favorite color so I'm lovin this post. 🙂 I love me some Mr. Cash too. Your girls look absolutely gorgeous in their homecoming attire. Of course you look good in black too. 🙂 Hope your feeling good. Hope your Monday is marvelous! XX


  3. you don't seem black to me, black is all colors and it shows with your pictures, it is a perfect match for any other color.i think you guyslook great in black!! and green and yellow but not brown, your not really a brown person, but i guess it depends on the shade…love the post!!


  4. Love your choices today and Lo and Linds are stunning in their homecoming dresses. Hope you have a great Monday Suzanne!


  5. I just want you to know that I think you're always creative — including the Man in Black in this post just proves the point.Thanks for a great 'Black' post.


  6. If this is a duplicate, please don't approve. I got an error. :(Here's my two cents (for what they are worth)…in no particular order- the girls look beautiful!- i love, love, love, love the silhouette of palm trees against a dark blue or sun-setted sky.- i don't wear too much black; too hot.- love the pic of you and Coach.


  7. Hi Suz, I'm catching up today… Loved your post about friend, Dawn… We all need friends like that…. How sweet she is.Glad your surgery went fine… Did they take out all of the BAD BUGS inside of you???? Hope so… ha ha haYour blacks are great….. That was creative to use Johnny Cash… He was definitely the \”Man in Black\”….Hope you have a great week, friend.Hugs,Betsy


  8. I'm a little late to the blog post, but I got mine in!I like your pictures of black in your world. That boxer mug doesn't need a facelift, he needs a big smack on the cheek. He's so cute!


  9. You forgot the black jellybeans, they're the BEST ones! :-DYour daughters are stunning btw, I keep telling you the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree… and there's nothing black about this comment 🙂


  10. you are hysterical, i love the cute belt you have on in the pic w/your husband!& your daughters are beautiful.i'm hoping my blog present requests turn out as successful as yours 🙂


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