Birthdays and De-Flowering.

Happy Tuesday ya’ll. Although it feels like Monday. Do you know that all day on Sunday I thought it was Saturday? 
You too? 
Oh, you were just nodding your head to make me feel better about my lack of knowing what day it is. 
Thanks for that. 
I hope everyone had a nice weekend. 

 Lo came home for most of the weekend, it was nice to have all four of us here together. 
 {although she left on Sunday night and did not really have to leave until Monday, so I am pretty sure she is already part of some college gang or wacked out on drugs …Just a guess though.}
We watched a few movies and just ‘hung out.’ Like regular folks…hey, it isn’t always glitz and glamour around here.
Well, it mostly is…but you know, I am trying to keep it real with you…I need to fit in. 

Guess who is having a birthday today???? 
I’ll give you a hint: It is a canine. 

For you slower folks, I will give you TWO guesses. 
Oh, never mind…

Cocoa is turning SEVEN!

Of course, she doesn’t know TODAY is her birthday…in her mind, every day is a party!
Even though she loves the Coach way more than she loves me, I still want to chew her face off. 

Cocoa is the reason I am a ‘dog person’. 
She {and Ozzie} are also the reason we have less money than we used to.

Oh, and for the MOST important news:
I am no longer a Hobby Lobby virgin. 
Dawn and I visited the much eluded store. We had a blast. And if you ask the employees other shoppers….well, we had too much fun. 
They can’t really kick you out for laughing and having a good time. can they?

Now, if only there was a Trader Joe’s within my driving range.

I have shared with you, now it is your turn. What did you do this weekend???

30 thoughts on “Birthdays and De-Flowering.”

  1. I enjoyed a couple of really cool days. It was so nice, Stud got to have his first fire of the season. I was laughing to myself because just a couple of days ago, he was supposed to have have a big bonfire with friends to celebrate a huge football game against the big rival for their school. However, because of our 2-day heatwave (where the heat index was around 110!!) the fire part was cancelled. Last night, he and his friends kept coming in and putting on more clothes! haha!I had my brother and father over yesterday for a bbq, which was really nice. My brother left around 1am, so I'm a wee bit sleepy this morning. But, it was so worth it. 🙂


  2. Cocoa is so adorable. Happy Birthday. I know my party invitation will be arriving any day : (I think Kenya is going to have babies soon. But Cary doesn't even think she is pregnant. I have to do paperwork and I don't want to.


  3. I'd tell you to come visit TJ's with me, but I suspect you'd wear me out!Happy Birthday to your sweetie! I hope you make him a nice liver cake for a treat!


  4. I LOVE Hobby Lobby! There is one just a few minutes from my house and sometimes I just go with nothing in particular in mind to do once I get there. I just love it! I'm glad you finally experienced it for yourself.


  5. Happy Birthday Cocoa!Glad you had time together this weekend and don't you love HL??Our weekend was quiet until Sunday afternoon. Tornadoes all around us and one within 1 mile of our old house – no damage, thankfully.


  6. Today was the 1st official day of school for my girls. We spent the weekend at the beach and then last night scrambling to get ready for school. Is it sad that I miss summer already???


  7. Happy Birthday, Cocoa!I'm so glad that you got to spend some time with your college girl.I STILL haven't been into a Hobby Lobby! Is it like Michael's? Please do tell those of us who are still in the dark about HL.You already know what I did this weekend: not much work (exept for a little weeding, cooking & clean-up) and a lot of outdoors-in-the-sun-that-has-finally-come-to-WA.


  8. Happy Birthday, Cocoa! She's quite something in her purple get-up. Love that she won you over as a dog person. :)Hobby Lobby is amazing. You'll not be able to resist its charms anymore.


  9. Cocoa is such a cutie, I hope you spoiled her rotten today. :-)We had a fun Saturday, took the girls bowling on Sunday and then did a whole lotta nothing – it's been raining since Sunday afternoon. It's actually still raining, over 6 inches in two days and temps only in the 60's.


  10. Hi Suz… Happy Birthday to Cocoa… Are you calling us SLOW????? Dang it — I may have needed more than two guesses… ha ha Glad your big Gal came home for a little while. Did she bring all of her laundry for Mama to do?????? haI've been to Hobby Lobby too–so we can be in the same club. I'm sure that anytime with Dawn is a fun time!!!!We had RAIN —gobs of much-needed rain.. It was awesome… AND–we have cooler temps now. Got down into the 50's last night –so we had a fire in the fireplace.. Grilled some steaks –so life is good in Tennessee.Hugs,Betsy


  11. Cocoa looks great in purple. I hope she has a wonderful birthday, even if it is like every other day.Our weekend was much less exciting than yours. We enjoyed the sound and sight of rain for the first time in a couple of months. Now I'll have to get out and mow the lawn!


  12. We don't have Hobby Lobby, but I'm betting Michael's is pretty close. It's fun except when it's really not (one cashier?!).You had all four and we had none–so we kayaked one day, rode bikes the next and then went to a movie.


  13. Your dogs will let you do anything with or to them, won't they? Have you ever thought about doing a calendar with them – — and making a drawing for your blog friends?!!!What we did this weekend was like Betsy and George – – – enjoyed the end of the drought – – – but there was a LOT of it really fast for hours – – – it brought our foundation wall in the basement – – – a serious, serious crack the whole length of the wall. The good news is we are fine and the house is still standing. Also, it will give the insurance adjuster one more thing to do as well as some lucky contractor. Don't ever let it be said that our family hasn't helped boost the economy!!!


  14. Hippo Birdies Two Ewes Cocoa:) In case you never knew, that's how the animals say it. Guess ya gotta be one to know that….Glad Lo made an appearance, just so's you don't think she's hanging out in some tattoo slum or something.Funny you used the word virgin in the same sentence as Hobby Lobby. Did you know it's owned by a Christian family and if you listen to the music playing in the background, it's Hymns? Me neither. I got that from \”Life in Red Shoes\”, she's on my list if ya want to go see for yourself…Nice to be normal folk once in awhile, huh. I hung out with me all three days off. Managed to get dressed one of them:)Ok, off to do what I do best…whatever that is…


  15. Yikes, I guess that makes me a Hobby Lobby tramp 🙂 I am however, an IKEA virgin. Happy birthday to your sweet girl – those EYES!


  16. I saw The Help…but you already knew that…books are always better than the movie with the exception of The Wizard of Oz…moive it totally better!Happy B-day Pup!


  17. dear cocoa, happy birthday to you, darling. love, chris… your other mom.lmaoshe is just beautiful…we have a trader joes here.. and a whole foods. there are our favorites in each one that we MUST have… TJ; must have their white bean humus, rosemary ham, store brand wines for $2.99 a bottle, and costa rica coffee.WF; must have their fresh breads, assortments of cheeses, fresh fish, bins of natural cereals, (try the raspberry granola), (and ginger one), and we always must have a slice of their pizza/panini sammies when we shop. i mustn't forget the gelato…just to name a few tings…we just stayed home this weekend, too.


  18. i hope you had cake for cocoa's birthday 🙂 and i hope no one dressed her up… she's getting a little too old for dress-up, donthcha think?! i loved our field trip to hobby lobby & bajio's. travelling with you is the most-est fun, even when someone's husband KEEPS CALLING! yeah, mine 🙂 although you did get a call, too! hope you are thinking about where we are going next!! xoxo


  19. Honestly, why do you dress that poor dog up? I really think you should consider having another baby. Or become one of those crazy doll Hoarders women like on TLC. Those bitches are crazy!!!I'm still pissed that I don't see your blog on my Reader. Really, I can't figure it out. But I really do love you. You know that, right?m.


  20. The good thing about Hobby Lobby is that they're closed on Sundays, when they put out the sales in the paper! It's a fun store to look around! I'm wanting a Trader Joe's around here…I think the big city is getting one.Cocoa is just beautiful! How could you not love that face!


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