The writing is on the plate

I went through a phase where I liked roosters and chickens.
Ok, I still like them somewhat. I have a few lingering in the kitchen; mind you there are no verbal ‘cock a doodle do’s or poop to step over.
(Lolo wants chickens in a bad way, but she also wants a baby bison)

 A few months ago I was clearing out some clutter and I looked up, saw this plate on top of a cabinet and declared it was the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen.
I said out loud: 
And since I was home alone, only my inner voice answered. Guilty as charged. 
I put it in a box in the garage for donations.

A week later as I passed by the box, and I had a vision:
This could be a bigger version of my pig. 
(excuse messy garage counter)

So I grabbed a can of chalkboard paint and went to town.

It was a matter of days before someone ‘adjusted’ my mantra for the week.
Was anyone surprised?

Bee Kind + teenagers = BeHind

Have a great weekend and remember, to watch your behind ’cause this Mom rules.


15 thoughts on “The writing is on the plate”

  1. I'm pleased to see this proof that a person should never throw anything away, which is mostly my mantra. You can always find some (nearly) useful use for items that would otherwise end up in a garage sale!


  2. I like both! My kitchen has roosters. But very clever to re-use something and make it into something more amazing and useful. You go girl!


  3. I was excited when I saw your name come up in the new blogs today because I know your writing will produce a smile from me – – – and you did not fail this time either. Your girls are about as resourceful with words as you are! Roosters still can be attractive – – to hens – – but your 'make-over' is brilliant and definitely goes better with your current home decor.


  4. Absolutely… always be kind to old chicken plates. I don't have any plates with animals, but I do have a few ceramic roosters that I have had for at least ten years and still love them sitting way up high atop my kitchen cabinets. Much better than pigs in the kitchen. LOL


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