My favorite sunset from yesterday.

The Coach and I watched the sunset last night.

The Gulf of Mexico never disappoints, but last night, it was like a bathtub; calm and warm. Perhaps it’s exhausted by all the happenings of the world.

Did you forget how cute my feet were? I had a feeling….

There were quite a few people there watching the sunset with us. People love to clap when the sun goes down and the Coach almost always comments on how he doesn’t get that. I’m indifferent. Victories big or small should be celebrated and hey, that Sun made it another full day without falling out of the sky.

Sometimes I clap after I made a decent dinner.

That was me testing the water….it was warm and inviting.

The Coach did that time lapse video up there; I didn’t even know he knew how to do that. See, you can STILL be surprised by your person when you thought you knew everything about them.

I’m not sure about you, but every night I go to bed with a prayer that the next day brings peace to our world and that the Sun continues to wake up and go to sleep like clockwork.

*clap clap*

Happy Wednesday.


21 thoughts on “My favorite sunset from yesterday.”

  1. This is beautiful. I was referring to the sunset, but since you asked – so are your toes. I think my Coach makes the same comments about clapping for mother nature- although our beach visits are few and far between, confident he has mocked enthusiastic clappers under his breath before. Tried to book a beach house for a weekend last night in MI, no luck. I had a ton of options selevted when I initially searched a few weeks ago . . . but never followed up and forced Coach to sit down and agree on anything. Will have to keep looking because someone needs to fet a beach fix. Happy Wednesday back at you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh….I hope you find a beach place soon. I’m sure you could all use a change of scenery for a few days!
      Men don’t understand Mother nature…I suppose because they are men and not Mothers. 🙂


  2. Love the photo and video. It’s been a long time since I visited the beach but it looks so peaceful. I long to wake up to a world that is peaceful, too. Wishing you a wonderful day. xo

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love that sunset picture. I have a picture I took of the sunset on the Gulf of Mexico in Destin framed in our foyer. That is our family’s happy place. We won’t get there this year and it’s breaking our hearts. So give the ocean and the sunset a clap for our family the next time, won’t you? ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Clapping!!!! Beautiful!!! I always claim to be a sunrise girl ~ Some mornings my girls and I will sneak our paddleboards past the locked gates that the nearby beach and catch the sunrise from the water. It’s the coolest experience. us.. with our flashlights and safety devices, trying to avoid the sea monsters that loom in the dark waters ~ all to watch the sky explode. Days like that make these ugly overcast days worth it.
    When I am in Florida I’m a sunset girl ~ sitting on the beach with a beachy beverage.. that’s the best!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Beautiful sunset on the beach! One of my favorite things to do at the beach is to go out just as the sun starts to set and stay until dark.


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