In The Garden With Suz; Just A Pinch Of Murder, But A Lot Of Organic.

My friends who reside in the cold tundra will be surprised to know that January, February, and March are some of my best gardening months way down here in SW Florida. The air is cooler and the sun doesn’t feel like hellfire.

The bees can’t get enough of the purple salvia and I can’t get enough of watching them buzz around the blooms.

My giant milkweed plant is being devoured by Monarch Caterpillars and that is a sight that always delights me.

Can you see all the little cuties?

I also have lots of potted herbs, tomatoes, herbs, sweet peppers, and herbs. Did I mention I have lots of herbs? Also, I tried my hand at some orange tomatoes this year. I’m sure there is a ‘real’ name for them, but let’s just call them orange tomatoes with a third nipple. Or first nose? What in the organic hell is happening out there?

I don’t use any fertilizer or pesticides. Which is sometimes an issue….I have some nasty weevil bugs that are eating my three citrus trees. When I googled how to rid them, the only answer was to spray pesticides on them. WHAT THE HELL? On my citrus? If you recall, we planted the citrus FOR the giant swallowtail butterflies. There is no way in hell I’m spraying those trees. Plus the lemons & limes they have been gifting us nonstop is amazing, I never knew how much I used citrus while cooking. I ALMOST feel like Ina Garten running out there collecting my citrus and herbs for a meal. Aren’t chicken nuggets better with a squeeze of lime and a dash of sage?

One of my Giants from 2020; see some good shit did happen.
See what the little turds have been doing?

So, what do I do? I go out once a day wearing ONE glove because I’m the Michael Jackson of my ‘hood. (Not in the molesty way though) and I hunt down the bugs and squish as many of them as I can find/reach.

The culprit is about to be murdered by Suzanne/Michael Jackson.

Let me tell you, it’s down right satisfying. Even MORE fun? When I find two bugs fornicating and I SMASH two at once. I can’t share pics of that because it’s rated R and even more R for the murdering part. I’m saving that for a Quinten Tarantino Film.

So, if you happen to drive by our home and hear strange sounds out back, it’s just me conversing with caterpillars & butterflies, picking weird tomatoes, or murdering citrus eating bugs. Pay nooooo attention and refrain from calling the authorities. Please.

So, anything growing in your home OR yard. How about your refrigerator? You know, we always called those ‘science experiments’. I still have part of a Tiramisu cake from Christmas Eve that I keep forgetting to remove from the garage fridge on garbage day. *sigh* It still looks exactly the same….I’m guessing it’s NOT organic.


26 thoughts on “In The Garden With Suz; Just A Pinch Of Murder, But A Lot Of Organic.”

  1. Those bugs are scary. I’d take great joy in murdering them, too.

    I garden organically as well, but I don’t have the insect problems like Floridians do. My problem used to be whitefly, and that ends up with me tearing out plants and never planting tomatoes again. I stick to herbs exclusively because I have a space issue anyway.

    Love seeing your milkweed getting munched on. Really, you have a butterfly farm.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ah, photos of sunshine and warmth and flowers. So refreshing. I don’t grow things, but my kids are getting big and I feed them in case that counts. Anyway, if I did grow a garden for sure my tomatoes would end up with noses or other appendages. I also dislike spiders, a lot. Reason 352 to buy my food instead of getting out in the earth and wrestling all those gross spiders to grow my own.

    You’re braver than I am, partly because I could never pull off a Michael Jackson lookalike thing. You go girl.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You grow children and nurture all that come through your door.
      I hate spiders too. Luckily I hardly see them in my garden….in my garage? That’s another story.


  3. I’ve used a few drops of Dr. Bronner’s Castile soap in a spray bottle with water…and sprayed this on my pole beans to discourage the pests. It worked!
    Thank you for this delightful and funny post!


    Liked by 3 people

    1. I have used the Castile soap for some other issues before (aphids) and didn’t have much luck so I was going the murderous route this time. What a way to get out some aggression, right?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh I love that you can kill two bugs with one smoosh. That’s impressive. Ditto what Deb said above. I use Dr. Bonner’s Peppermint soap in a spray bottle and it does in the little culprits while leaving a delightfully clean scent. Bwha-ha-ha!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Love the chicken nugget elevation!!! Shoveled the driveway this morning here in central New York, so nothing much growing outside, so instead I am struggling to keep my daughter’s succulent collection alive while she is at school! Loved seeing the outdoor colors here at your place!

    Liked by 3 people

  6. I just love seeing familiar faces in your comment section. It is making me smile so goofy right now. I also love seeing your garden and flowers and bugs. Need more pictures of flowers, butterflies, and sun for us in climates without living things currently. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. So they’re smashing and then you smash them? You should put out a saucer of vodka, and then they could get smashed and then smash and then you could smash them. *waves from the frozen tundra*. Nothing growing in my backyard, but I did dry all my herbs this year so at least I have that. I love running out to cut fresh herbs for the two months a year I can do it.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. It is just so amazing to me that you can grow all of these things in the winter! I remember visiting my parents in Palm Springs one February and being wowed at the flowers. Those flowers are things we can grow in the summer here. I love your garden!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. you know those times when you comment multiple times and then lose them….
    Yup. that’s me this morning.
    Let me try this again.
    lovely garden.
    I missed your funny insightful posts.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Just looking at your pretty blooming Salvia makes me smile. It looks so healthy & lush. Does it not know it is January? Amazing!

    My mom had a huge flower and vegetable garden when I was a kid. I spent many hours with an old toothbrush and a cup of something (soapy water? alcohol?) sweeping the bugs off various plants to their watery grave.

    Mind you if a bug was found inside the house I’d catch it and release it outside so it could live it’s best life. But a bug on the patty pan squash plant? Doomed.

    You’re very brave to go the hands on squish method. That takes grit. Very impressive.

    What we do for love (and squash or butterflies), eh?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Maddie, Funny about your toothbrush and cup memories. I also release bugs from inside to the outside, but only bugs that won’t eat my caterpillars are weird-looking tomatoes.

      Thanks for your visit!


  11. Your flowers look so pretty! My yard is a complete mess right now. After this cold spell passes, it’s time to start getting it back in shape.

    Liked by 1 person

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