Merry And Happy, Also Some Crappy

I’ve had this feeling of being buried this week. It’s not all bad, but you know how sometimes the bad stuff is all you can focus on. I’m working on moving past it.

On Monday, I had, and I am NOT even exaggerating, eleventythousand interruptions INSIDE or OUTSIDE the house.

An electrician working on our cameras outside, a pool sub-contractor that needed my constant help, my lawn guys were here and we were going over things to NOT SPRAY OR YOU’LL KILL ALL THE BUTTERFLIES, Our gate repair guy who’s been MIA since before Thanksgiving finally showed up, another pool sub who couldn’t get our pump going, but was successful in turning off our water system, our pool cleaning company (also personal friend) over to troubleshoot the pool pump and then share with me several videos of bears and a panther in his yard all the while my camera guy was needing me to help him kill wasps in a camera fitting, our main pool contractor (asshole) came to help put the water back on and I had some words for him about other things that are so.very.shady.

*feeling tightness in my chest*


In the middle of this, I was trying to make Dog Food which is a 3 hour process. This is when I learned the water wasn’t working.

ME mixing up pans of dog food and my phalanges were covered with TURKEY AND BEEF AND RAW EGGS AND VEGETABLES: I NEED TO WASH MY HANDS but there be no water coming out of my faucets.

Generally if our water is having an issue, I would use the pool in a pinch.

Hello CessPool.

{Looking at the water makes me feel like I need some sort of vaccination for protection}

I’m not kidding when I say the Coach and I completely detest our pool contractor. I blame myself because I was the one pushing for this particular company. They duped me. They seemed like they were on the ball, knew what they were doing and that they actually had scruples. So.very.dissapointed. It’s such a long and tiring story and it ain’t over yet either, so I’ll spare the details other than some people just suck.


Last weekend I attended my dear friend Dawn’s 50th birthday. It was just her nearest and dearest nine friends and it was so much fun to just sit and laugh with a bunch of women hens. We’ve been friends for 23 years and I just adore her; she’s a special one and it was nice to celebrate her. Dawn is one of those people who live for a celebration. July 4th, Cinco De Mayo, St. Pattys day, your birthday, you name it. And she’s been an absolute cheerleader for my girls since the day we met.

Happy Wet Wedding Day

This weekend the Coach and I attended a wedding of a girl we’ve known since she was 8. It was and outside celebration and Mother Nature decided to not cooperate. We hid under a gazebo for about 45 minutes until it cleared. Me to Florida: Even in December? You have to be crazy hot, humid AND RAINY?

You know I have to say it: I was outside in the hot and humid air and my HAIR STILL LOOKED BETTER THAN on Lolo’s wedding day. I said I’d get over that, but apparently I’m a liar.

It appears that I’m wearing the same black dress, but they are different. Black Is the New Black.

Half Assed Edward Scissor Hands

The house is semi-decorated. I kind of half assed it this year, but it’s all right because I’ve survived 2020 and 2021, so I kind of feel like that is a feat and decorating isn’t that important.

I finally sat down last night to start sorting and wrapping the items purchased. I’m so scattered, I couldn’t remember what I’d bought for who even though I kind of had a running list. SCATTERED brain.

I had a good old cackle seeing how badly I’d cut this paper. Can you believe people used to trust me with scissors and their hair?

It’s probably a good thing I retired and took up Mothering instead. I’ve slipped so much, can I even go back to being someone who can use scissors?

I probably won’t post again until after Christmas because you know, scattered.

I know I’ve said it before, but those of you who visit my little place on the internet and leave me notes, well you just make my day! And not in the way Clint Eastwood likes to make someones day. Punk.

Merry and Happy whatever you celebrate. Sending love out there to you.


Signed, your friend Suz who will hopefully get over her One Bad Hair Day and horrible contractors before 2022 is over.

35 thoughts on “Merry And Happy, Also Some Crappy”

  1. What a bunch of stupid things to go wrong in one week. I’m sorry. Our water went off last week, too. It’s annoying to the nth degree. Thinking on this it’s like you’re being tested to see if Santa will bring you any gifts this year. Bet he will!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh man, how frustrating for you. And that pool! I’ve had a recurring dream my whole life about ending up in a deep black pool of water. We are Canadians and in 2008 back we bought a house in Cape Coral FL. It had been badly neglected, and when we arrived that’s how the pool looked. I said – “oh my god, this is my nightmare”. Fortunately we got a good pool guy that quickly turned it around. (other happy ending – sold the house 5 years later & doubled our $$$). I hope things all get sorted out for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Crazy about that recurring dream!!
      Thank you for your kind words, always.
      If you’d held onto the Cape Coral property You might’ve quadrupled it by now. Real estate in Florida is insane as everybody and their brother or moving here.
      Merry Everything!!


  3. Hair and humidity. Amen. I hope your pool troubles are soon over and you have a lovely Christmas with your family. Your friend looks like a very happy, kind person! -Jenn

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The fact that your one bad hair is now preserved in wedding photos that will last a lifetime has got to be payback for a serious scissor infraction from a former life. Karma. It gets us every time.
    As for cesspool swimming, yikes. Time to find a new company.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Your scissor work looks like mine! I truly hate wrapping, probably because I try to conserve the paper. I’m psycho about wasting and recycling.

    Our half bath project was stalled because for some unknown reason, the quartz countertop was never cut. So we have a bathroom where you can use the potty, but not wash your hands. The contractor emailed yesterday to say it was going to be ready today and I told him we’d have to wait until after Xmas. Covid cases are sky high right now and I don’t want workers in my house till after Christmas. Not having another holiday without my grandkids!

    Merry Christmas and all that jazz!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wowza on the bathroom situation!!
      And yes, I’m a little bit psycho about the recycling and wasting too.
      Enjoy the holiday with your family and especially those grandkids!


  6. I know – what’s up with the craftsmen since the Pandemic? Since you and hubby are “in the business” do you know? I’ve been disappointed with carpet layers (ugly seam in exact middle of room), with my quartz countertops (permanent black smudges that look suspiciously like Magic Marker), and messy painters. I may resort to DIY.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do know there is a shortage of qualified workers and I think that is the case with our pool issue. Aso, the company itself isn’t quality so they aren’t attracting quality subs. (that is our take anyway, too late of course)

      I’m sorry you’re having so many issues getting things done. Our business is busier than ever, Thankfully we have a lot of quality employees and we have an entire team of Quality Control to make sure things are done properly. Of course, we could use more to get things done quicker.

      I really don’t know where all the ‘workers’ went. Are they on vacation in Costa Rica? 😳


  7. Your busy day reminds me of a scene from a movie. When the guy came here last week to check out the basement fridge, it was a little hectic. Not your hectic but tots were getting picked up and I was bandaging Reg’s never ending open sore from sliding across the gym floor and I was about to start a zoom. . . the repair guy emerged from the basement and I stared at him for a minute. I had FORGOTTEN that he was in the house. Oops. The guy showing you videos on his phone when you had so much going on is killing me.

    Well, we’ve had not one but 2 crap contractors and that is the worst. So incredibly frustrating. So sorry to hear that.

    The photo of you and Coach is really cute. Ugh, sorry about the hair feelings not fading as fast as you’d like them to. At least there are photos of everyone laughing. I meant to ask, how tall is that groomsman? He could be a Shenanigan.

    We all learned not to run with scissors, but maybe the rule should be extended a bit for you. DO NOT USE WHEN PRESSED FOR TIME?
    Dawn is my kind of people and she had my ideal 50th bday. Sounds so fun!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve had people here working and also forgot they were here. *sigh* One-track mind, I suppose.

      I think he was 6 foot 3, maybe? He’s tall, but also the rest of us are fairly short so, we make him look taller! He’s been Nathans’s friend since Kindergarten. This year was my first time meeting him and he’s a lovely character, he’d fit in with the shenanigans.

      It was such a sweet birthday party. Lots of laughter, some tears, but all on the happy side.


  8. Half the time I cut wrapping paper, it looks like that! Luckily, no one has ever trusted me with scissors and their hair. Luckily.

    I have said it before, and I’ll say it again, I thought your hair looked lovely BUT I totally get it too. I am trying to be at peace (I almost typed piece, wtf Nicole, more coffee) with my own hair and how it will never be like Kate Middleton’s. So I do get it but I also think you’re beautiful. That photo of you and Coach, wahhhhh, you two are so sweet. Love it.

    Merry Christmas, my friend. May you not have any water interruptions, may your pool reno go smooth, and may the lawn guys NOT kill all the butterflies. xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so kind. Thank you always for your sweet words; they bring a smile to my face.
      Merry Christmas to you and your boys! XO


  9. I don’t get the scissor cut picture. What’s wrong with it? That’s exactly how I cut paper all the time.

    As the wife of a carpenter/contractor/project manager/estimator/construction coordinator, I feel your pain. I sympathize with you, all the while knowing what it’s like for the trades out there right now as well. Yet, there is never an excuse for shady and dishonest people or lousy workmanship. As you know.

    I feel like this Christmas–which is bearing down on us with alarming speed–we all owe it to ourselves to simply Let Things Be Good Enough. To Not Go Crazy. Whatever we do will be Enough.

    Have a Loving and Happy Christmas. Your hair will be fantastic; I just know it. XO

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Maybe that was a straight line? Have I been delusional all these years?

      I have zero issues with things taking more time and people being torn from job to job, but it is the shady and dishonest part that really cuts me. We could never, would never lie to clients (or anyone for that matter) and for them to lie as they do. *sigh*

      Let things be good enough. I love that and I’ll try to bring that thought process into next year as well.

      Enjoy your family time. XOXO


  10. You know, I used to long for a boat. Then I got one, and discovered it wasn’t nearly as much fun as I’d thought. I think I’d feel the same way about a pool.

    Nevertheless, hope you and the family have a merry Christmas and that your hair cooperates!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I have thoughts and questions.
    They won’t be in order because I’m sick, so please bear with me.

    Why does your pool look so pretty in the picture with the Christmas tree? Did you get it fixed? I might have missed something…again, sick.

    I am horrible at wrapping presents, so your Edward Scissorhands cutting job is on my GOOD day of wrapping.

    I love the picture of you and your husband looking at each other.

    Your hair is lovely.

    I love you and your friend’s dresses.

    My mom continues to make your recipe for homemade dog food, which makes me happy. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m SO sorry you are sick! I hope it’s only temporary and doesn’t interfere with the upcoming Festive Day!
      No, the pool is still green/brown. I think the lighting was better from the inside. Although the newly purchased/installed (as of 4 hours ago) pump is running, so hopefully by the time Santa comes, it will be a lighter shade of green/brown.
      Feel better my friend. XOXO

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Oh my you have had a lot going on! Christmas can be stressful and a lot of work. Hope you had a Merry Christmas and Happy 2022!


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