Suz Searches For Her Christmas Cardigan, Last Minute Celebrations, Just The Tip(s) & Dental Adorableness

Happy Monday before Christmas. Who here has lost all their marbles? I know it’s not polite to brag, but I have at least four marbles left.

Some notes of my past week.


*I’ve been playing Christmas music for days and it’s always funny to me to hear Dreaming Of A White Christmas or Baby It’s Cold Outside while it’s 85* and I can hear the hum of my A/C in the background.

*On the upside, we are expecting a cold Christmas. THIS IS UNPRECEDENTED; a high of 60 degrees. I’m so excited; I hope I don’t wet my skort.


*The Coach and I hosted a last minute holiday dinner for our employees; we weren’t going to do anything this year, but at the last minute we realized that we could fit everyone at a local restaurant at their outside seating area. Being that we gave people five days notice AND the location might have been far for a good amount, we had half show up up. Hell, People love free food and drinks! 65 people total came. It was a great night, I’ve missed our holiday parties and I might have hugged and kissed 60 people on Friday night. The best part is that I’ve handed my Party Planning Baton to my Mini-Me, Lindsay.

*CUE DEBBIE DOWNER: The worst part is that at any minute now I will probably have Covid, or worse, a cold sore.


*Coach said to me regarding Peanut: She’s becoming a little Dora The Explorer in the yard. Me: Well, I’d better get her a back pack! Speaking of Peanut; have you seen a cuter Underbite in your entire life? (She was napping on my chest)


* I just calculated all the tips ($1700) I’ve given this year for the ones who’ve provided services for me/us on a regular basis. (lawn guys, pool guy, hair stylist, fitness coach, esthetician, etc…) This is the biggest ‘give’ year for me as I’ve added so many people to my schedule. I wish I needed less maintenance, but how? It takes a village to keep me upright.

Well, that’s probably it for me this week. Wishing you ALL the very best! Thank you for being my champion, my friend and my co-host with all the silliness.


Tell me, how many marbles are you currently working with and will you spend Christmas Day inside or out?

31 thoughts on “Suz Searches For Her Christmas Cardigan, Last Minute Celebrations, Just The Tip(s) & Dental Adorableness”

  1. Wow Suz that’s a lot of maintenance and a lot of tipping! So glad you got to host your holiday party and I hope that all your goodness protects you from any and all of the C viruses. We have never spent Christmas in a warm area but when we had a house in Cape Coral were there in December. It was odd Christmas shopping in shorts! By New Years eve we will be in hot hot Mexico and hopefully all the snow will be gone by the time we return to Canada at the end of March. I still have all my marbles and am actually winding down. We hosted two large holiday parties the first two weekends in December. One more with our kiddos & grandkiddos and we are done. ps that is the cutest underbite! Enjoy your chilly Christmas! xo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I suppose it is odd shopping and decorating in the heat, but it’s all I really know.

      MEXICO? That sounds like the perfect place to spend the new year and winter. I hope you have the best time.

      Three parties are a bit much for anyone; you are a giver of your time and energy!! Have a merry Christmas, and thank you for always chiming in with something funny and sweet to day. I appreciate you.


  2. We lived down south for almost 17 years and in all that time I never got used to warm holidays. While I admit outdoor decorating is easier, I need that cold wind and snow to make me jolly. Spent Xmas in Palm Coast and St. Augustine a few years ago. 95 degrees on Christmas Day? You can have it.
    Underbite? Precious.
    Tipping your village? Expensive but necessary. The older I get the more important this becomes.
    Employee party? Wonderful… now lock yourself in the bedroom and quarantine.
    Marbles? I’m not sure I ever had any.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Maybe you can ask Santa for some Marbles this year!
      Tipping your village is absolutely necessary and honestly, I’m happy to be able to do it. I have a lot of good people in my life.
      I locked myself in the house on Saturday and Sunday, but today I must (begrudgingly) leave.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You have a gift at raising dogs with the cutest orthodonitia issues. Plus, is Peanut wearing a bib? So cute.

    I will prob lose any marbles I had while I’m trying to orchestrate the Christmas party prep from quarantine in my bedroom. Today is day 3 since I went down with covid. My Coach’s side comes here Friday and my side on Christmas day. Trying not to panic, but I woke up feeling dizzy and panic feels like the way this holiday is going to go.

    I can’t imagine having weather like that while celebrating Christmas. I might be too excited to spend all my time outside and then forget to shop or bake.

    Hooray for a last minute party and for your mini-you stepping in. Celebrating people and hosting great gatherings is in her blood. No wonder you always look so good, your ‘team’ takes extra good care of you, since you are taking extra good care of them. I laughed at a village keeping you upright.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We do tend to find dogs with mouth issues or missing ears.

      I hate that you are trying to make Christmas happen from the confines of your room; this is putting your daily to the test. I doubt anyone can compete with you on those tasks, but hopefully, it will come close while you recoup.


  4. Since our forecast is for a high of 12 and 15 degrees on Christmas Eve and Christmas, we’ll be indoors on both days. Sigh. I. HATE. WINTER.

    What is it about dogs with underbites? I always find it unbearably charming. And Peanut’s fur looks like the softest suede imaginable.

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    1. I’d be hunkering down in those temps too. I’m not a huge fan of COLD, especially when I would have to go outside with the pups. NO THANKS. This is why Florida is so crowded in the winter.

      Nance, she is the softest dog we’ve ever had. She reminds me of a fluffy bunny in so many aspects; her pom pom tail, her soft fur, her coloring, and her ginormous ears.


  5. That is one cute sleepy pup!

    It is weird to see holiday gatherings getting back to normal. We aren’t quite there yet, but I’m hoping that someday I’ll feel comfortable hosting our holiday party at full strength again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. She’s adorable when she’s sleeping. And when she’s awake. Not so much when she’s eating our artificial tree!
      We’ve been having regular events for quite a while now, so not so rare for us. We didn’t necessarily want to do it with our company because your know how ‘Sue Happy’ people are now.


  6. I think I have five marbles, not to brag, but I am one up on you.
    It’s minus 40 here and the furnace stopped working! But I somehow managed to get it working again without crying, so I feel like a superstar!
    Merry Christmas, Suz!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Brag away!
      MINUS FORTY. *sigh* How do you even manage that? It’s beyond me. I hope your furnace continues to work and you stay warm and toasty. XO


  7. I am laughing in Midwest at your Southern self. It’s going to be a high of SEVEN on Christmas here. I actually don’t even mind. Also, we are getting a ton of snow. BRING. IT. Ho, ho, ho.

    Have a wonderful holiday! ❤️

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  8. I’d love to spend any holiday outside when it’s not snowing or raining, but that never seems to happen here. I think we used our deck ONE time for entertaining this past summer. #Sad

    That underbite is quite pronounced. At least you don’t have to worry about braces, though considering how large the pet sections have become at stores, that might be next – doggy orthodontists..

    I’m glad you guys had a holiday party for employees. Too many employers have completely cut that out. The last time I got to go to one for my husband’s job, it was the 1990’s! Scrooge City.

    Wishing you and yours a fabulous Christmas! XO

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You only used your deck one time this summer? Well, now I’m sad for you.

      Surely there is Invisalign for pets, right? You can’t have a ‘metal mouth’ doggie; that’s embarrassing.

      We’ve always been very generous with our employees, but couldn’t do a party when covid hit. They’d been asking this year and I’m happy we were able to make something happen even if it was smaller. And…lets not forget those end of the year bonuses; that right there is a lot.


  9. Ugh! I’ll take 60 degrees over what we have anytime! I lost my marbles last week when I realized how much I had left to do but am slowly gaining them back as I get things done! Nice that you had a employee party. Our boss gave one last week and it was really nice! But we only have 5 people! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your fam!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. How wonderful that you were able to sneak in a holiday party! Sounds like a good showing and a fun time! Fingers crossed that no one gets sick (I went to my husband’s holiday party a couple weeks ago and I haven’t heard of any germ swapping, yet, at least! so here’s hoping you have the same experience!). Your pup definitely has the cutest underbite. Happy Christmas to you! I hope you get some marbles in your stocking!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Seeing as how Christmas was yesterday, I’m going to go out on a limb and say I’m spending the holiday mostly indoors. Two words: single digits. Two more words: frost bite. Or, wait…is frostbite one word?

    Hope you had a joyous holiday!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Peanut is some serious cuteness. So sweet. Your last bit reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend of mine the other day when I was cleaning out my closets. Just chatting away and then I I come out with “I found my marbles” followed closely by “I lost them again though”. Ha. We both laughed so hard when we realized what I said. (they were my marbles from when I was a kid and some newer ones we added for physical therapy) But alas, I feels like my marbles are always lost.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I can hardly remember which thing happened in which post all the time, but : it is THE CUTEST UNDERBITE ever! I would be thrilled for a work Christmas party, late notice or not. How amazing that you have a mini-me party planner now. I hope you didn’t get Covid or Face Herpes, but it would almost be worth it for all the kissing – god, I’ve missed people. Oh, I had zero marbles left by Christmas. Maybe negative marbles.


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