
The other morning Linds came out of her room ready for school.

I caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye…something foreign.

I immediately reached my hand out to her hair….What is that? PURPLE??

Linds with her weave.

Before my hand could touch her head she jumped back and said:

Gurrrllll Pahhleease don’t touch my weave!!!!!!

Sometimes, I am not quite sure where she came from.

But she always makes me laugh…laugh so hard I lose my coffee.

Where she came from? That is coming back to me…it is all coming back to me.

Paybacks. You reap what you sow. You get what you gave.

Sorry Mom. Sorry Dad.


31 thoughts on “Paybacks”

  1. ha,ha,ha my 'A' has those same clip ons!! she loves to be different i think it is funny they have a store that mass produces weird clothes and accessories so that so many of our children can choose to be different, but look the same, you know? how original!! like we never did that!! totally for sure ya know!!


  2. The nut doesn't fall far from the tree, eh? Just wait until it is a tramp stamp… That's what my \”nut\” came home with…


  3. bwahahahaha yeah i KNOW about paybacks… and i too wished it upon all of mine!!!!!!they'll get theirs the lil rascals!cute purple, though..c


  4. she is one unique soul… and she makes the world a more beautiful place! i am missing her… and i am blaming it on publix and no christmas feast. just so ya know.


  5. Ha Ha Ha—-payback for sure!!!!! At least, it is just a 'weave'…. Be thankful that her entire head is not purple!!!!! haWhat a cutie she is!!!!We're enjoying George's birthday trip…. It's been great. We're going home tomorrow —so I will have lots of pictures to post…Hugs,Betsy


  6. I love that! She looks soooo cute with the colored weave!!Honest to goodness,if I were 20 years younger I'd dye/tint my hair bright blue or purple. Since it's so white now it would be too porous so the color wouldn't turn out nice & bright! Have a good week.


  7. Its just a faze, right? That’s what I tell myself….As my cute little innocent precious young man that has two pierced years loves the MJ (Michael Jordan apparel) and all the hip-hop one can muster. The two of them make a wonderful pair!!!!


  8. I love that girl!!and…i may know of someone who, when she was teaching in the mid-80's (please remember the fashion from that time!) and she had one of those tails running down her back and she decided one day to color it pink ('cause, well, you know, she does love pink) and then her principal jokingly said that the pink wasnot good but if it were the school colors then maybe it would be okay.uh-huh. she got it purple.and yes….she will grow out of this phase…it does grow into other phases.i'm just saying!<3 this!!


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