Which Came First, The Chicken Or


The free range egg?

This is the first year in the last 16 that we did not dye our table and make the kitchen smell like vinegar.

No one noticed until Saturday afternoon…that was when Linds said: “Aren’t we going to color eggs?”

I made a sad face and broke the news that NO we are not. Since I had my eyes opened about factory egg farming, I only purchase those special and $$ eggs.

No coloring for those babies. 

And YES, I am a fun sucker!! (but only when it comes to critters)

Lolo’s college tour went well. A grand 90 minute tour of the school..right down to the dorms.

A meeting with the dean of the dept that she is interested in.

A one on one meeting with the softball coach.

Looks like all these years of being a playa’ will pay off.

She has a few choices to make…and luckily she still has a bit of time to choose. 

I won’t go into detail, by my dainty butterfly is trying to decide between a career involving art tools or a fully loaded weapon. 

Yep. That’s my girl.


art by Erin Smith.

I had such a headache when I finally got home. I swear, being at college for this amount of time, knowledge was actually trying to penetrate my brain.

And it hurt.


Ok, for the most important question of the day:

Steam Mops?

Good?   Hype??

My floor needs to know.

Happy Tuesday peeps!!

27 thoughts on “Which Came First, The Chicken Or”

  1. These are exciting days for Lo. Glad the tour went well and can't wait to hear more.I had no idea there were steam mops!!! Sounds like a marvelous idea but won't your Dyson (is it Rosie?) be jealous???


  2. We didn't color eggs either. I bought the stuff but then nobody said anything so I just let it ride. And I bought the cheap eggs to color. I buy the fancy eggs for eatin' too. : ) I've been wondering about steam mops too. So everybody..do tell! : )


  3. College? Already? Is she a junior now?Enough questions. I want a steam mop. Deperately. But my husband is not one bit convinced that I need to spend $$ when a regular mop would work. Please convince him, okay? If you do, I'll help your daughter with any college English class she has to take.


  4. So glad that the tour went well. I like a girl with varied interests! I had trouble deciding between 5 different majors! And yes, I chose the one that didn't pay well. I'd think twice about that nowadays…It sounds as if she's looking close enough to home to be able to visit easily. That must be a comfort!Steam Mop? HUH? Please elaborate/illuminate. I must not watch the right TV channels.


  5. College decisions…that's so hard for them to make. My son turned down a full ride to a private college because he didn't know anybody who went there. Hope he doesn't regret it later!We were talking about steam mops at the soccer game a couple of weeks ago…one mom has one and loves it. I've considered it, but only have hardwood and laminate floors…don't know how well they would do on those!


  6. I still like you even though you didn't dye eggs. You could have made egg salad with the $$ dyed eggs.Fun college tour. I think.Best method of cleaning floors?Geez, you'd have to talk to Mr. Jenny. He does all the floors around here.


  7. Heehee, knowledge can't get through that thick skull of yours – so don't worry!!Happy Belated Easter – and I buy the same eggs and at the prices they charge, they are for eating with royalty only 😉


  8. So happy for LoLo. great times to come for her…Eggs yes we colored – Connor and I couln't resist – mixing up colors.Steam mop I LOVE IT!!!!!! smells fresh , dries quick and easy in no time, I can keep the dogs in while you do it, no more Mr bucket.


  9. Steam mops. Good.Knowledge. Bad.Congrats to your baby girl! Isn't it exciting to anticipate the next phase of their lives? **sniff, sniff**Excuse me, I need to go curl up into a ball and cry…


  10. We didn't do colored eggs either – laziness on my part! Very exciting for your talented daughter Lo – a great baseball player and exciting career choices! I need a daughter like her!


  11. Hi Suz, Someone did a blog saying that the Shark Steam Mop is WONDERFUL–especially if you have hardwood floors. I still use my Swiffer Wet Jet for my kitchen and baths. We are carpeted everywhere else. Glad the first college trip went well. Miss Lo should get a nice scholarship if she plays softball. I'm sure she'll check out several colleges. Fun Fun Mom!!!!Have a wonderful day/evening.Hugs,Betsy


  12. I have been using a steam mop for the past five years and I love it. It leaves the floors spotless with little effort, and all I use is water! I do use distilled water in, only because our water here in Sonoma is bad. I think you will love one too.Postcard Cindy


  13. When we were growing up we had chickens. Rhode Island Reds and black and white ones that I can't remember what they are called for the life of me. I think they were sort of free range : )


  14. is Lo ambidexterous? because i think she could do both:) i'm sure you could squeeze a few art supplies on her gun belt! i can just imagine the headache. did you actually have to listen?and one more thing. you are the scrooge of easter. yep. there. i said it.but i love you…


  15. Oh, no you don't. Now I can't color Easter eggs either? What if I bought eggs and took them home in a plastic bag and drank water from a plastic bottle while I colored them, using copious amounts of paper towels? Then what would you do? Hmm? Huh?How am I going to break this to Diego?(Actually, I wouldn't miss it one bit.)


  16. congrats to lo.. she will be great at whatever she does!whatta wonderful future to look forward to. my youngest, christopher, the musician, will be graduating and going to college this fall. he's me last one! its hard to let go.time does fly.c


  17. I think those steam mops are just another way for you to spend money needlessly.If your daughter is going to spend time with tools, they should be ART tools and not necessarily Art's tool.\”Fully loaded\” and tools…now that's a whole 'nother ball of wax.What do you mean we aren't having the same conversation?! Oh.


  18. Steam mop = fail!Want mine? Used it twice and was sooo disappointed – never again. Hard to use and left awful streaks all over the floor!YEY for expensive good eggs – teehee! 😀 I hope they serve them in college… erm… 😀


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