Is it over yet?


I ended up in three different grocery stores yesterday.

Me + baking = chaos. Don’t ask.

I am the reason why they invented break and bake cookies.

We have our big Christmas dinner tonight; an Italian feast for 15. When I start to assemble the lasagna and the antipasti I pray that I’m not missing something….if I have to enter another grocery store, I will take a mixing spoon and jab it into my eye.

Surely no one would notice a spoon in my eye at Publix, for those peeps surely have lost their minds too.


The Coach and the girls are going shopping today. I know; ‘uber silly.

But first, the girls are treated to a once a year (or less) treat. The Coach is taking them to Waffle house for breakfast. Seriously, they are super excited about going and have been talking about it for two days. Yeah, they don’t get out much.

I am not going, I spent too much time at the waffle house as a child and am still trying to recover.



Ornaments are earrings, according to Linds.


I would love to send a Christmas tree and gifts and love and good food and big warm hugs to all our service men and women today…that would really irritate my mail man, huh?


Christmas blessings to you all….whether you have been good or bad.  Although I am fairly certain you have been bad because according to my high school counselor, that is usually the type of people I attract.

From our house to yours, Merry Christmas.

Or as my politically correct girls say:

Merry Christmahannukwanzaka


26 thoughts on “Is it over yet?”

  1. Oh, Suz, you are such a hoot!!!I hope the girls enjoyed the Waffle House this morning. I'm sure your Italian Christmas Eve Dinner will be delightful. How could it not? Um…ITALIAN FOOD ROCKS! Actually, ITALIANS ROCK in general. 🙂


  2. I am with you on the stores! Wednesday night, I had to pick up some fresh produce at Bi-Lo. It was almost wall to wall bodies in every aisle. The good news is every person seemed to be in a patient mood and all the cash registers were open.I think going out in the mad rush the day or two before is a man/teenager thing. Mine generally do that, too. The last couple of years are the first they have not.And speaking of Italian – – our favorite restaurant – – owned and run by an Italian from NYC – – will be closed until Wednesday so they can have Christmas with family. We may just have to stop by for supper tonight!Merry Christmas to you, our Florida Sunshine!!!


  3. Merry Christmas, Suz! Your baking style and mine would gel quite well, haha. Your Italian feast sounds delicious!! Lucky 15…The waffle house story is so sweet. Nothing better than dad taking you to breakfast, what a sweet tradition. Hope you all have a beautiful Christmas!


  4. I'm hoping you had all the ingredients for your lasagna and didn't need to stick a spoon in your eye! I'm making lasagna for Sunday, when our family will be here.I hope your Christmas dinner is a big success and that all of you have a very Merry Christmas.


  5. Oh my gosh. BEST PICTURES EVER! I love the sun flare. And the girls. I so love those girls. We are just about ready to leave for church. If I don't go insane dealing with Sabria and Naji first…


  6. You make me laugh.Hard.I hope the Coach and his girls (minus his main squeeze) enjoy Waffle House.Or at least that they don't get :)Merry Christmas, Suz!


  7. AGH! Had I known you were making something ITALIAN to eat, I'd a changed my Christmas dinner plans and sat next to you at the table!!Oh, I didn't have a plane ticked, did I. Story of my life…And stop taking spoon with ya when you go shopping!Have a fantabulous Christmas with everyone Suz :)From one impaired gal to another ..but Santa still loves us 🙂


  8. oooh…Waffle House…sorry, i had a hard time concentrating on what all you wrote after that. ~~sigh~~Okay…i will say this now…you and I? oh yeah. i think you may be my long lost sister….i do so love having parties and in the process of planning for them, i will almost lose my mind, but..the party will always (knock on wood) be successful. i love it when that happens.Happy holidays to you and your incredible family…may the day be full of magic…of love..and presents that are just what you wanted!!xoxo


  9. Merry Christmas!I was going to write something funny but then I just realized that I wrote it on somebody else's Blog and then you two would compare and realize that I have nothing original to say at all.Oh wait! I do got something. Break and Bake Cookies? You sure are fancy! And you know what, that sure was nice of you to think of your Mailman's condition this time of year.Hope that you are having a great day.Your Friend, m.


  10. Oh yes Honey, it is finally over. I love Christmas but I love January 4 too – it should be all put away by then.Merry Christmas!


  11. I went to a Waffle House when we went to Disneyworld. Wow. What an experience. Colorful folk at the Waffle House!Merry Merry to you and yours!


  12. Gregg went out on Christmas day for ice – an hour before our guests arrived. He hadn't had a shower yet – he and David had been shooting hoops. Then he spent about 15 minutes arranging the beer and soda in the cooler. That was the only time during the preparation when I felt just a bit of stress (I think men just TICK differently than we do, especially before a party – no, wait – always). xoxo


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