Last Minute might be my new middle name

Last week I was whining about doing Lindsay’s yearbook ad/page last minute and that apparently got the last minute ball rolling. 
Friday morning, I took a last minute 4 mile walk with a friend who I don’t see enough of. 
Saturday morning found me at the Buddy Walk {National Down Syndrome Society} with my friend Dawn.  I was so glad she texted me last minute on Friday night!!
Saturday afternoon found me running to the post office {last minute} to mail something and then dropping off expired Rx’s at the DEA sponsored “Operation Medicine Cabinet”
Saturday evening brought a last minute birthday dinner at our house for a good friend. {The Coach did most of the cooking} I thought it was going to be a quiet night with both girls gone, but we ended up with six guests; three of which spent the night. 
Sunday I attended a photography class, last minute of course!

All in all, aside from Mother nature wreaking havoc on my insides, it was a great weekend. Our weather is finally being tolerable. {Yay for less humidity in the air!}
And I just have to add, that the Buddy walk was SO much fun…BUT I really wish they would have given out  medals for the fastest walkers because Dawn and I would have gotten Gold AND Silver! 
No, we’re not competitive at all! 🙂
I’m just wishing someone would call me this morning {last minute} and say I can stay home today!

22 thoughts on “Last Minute might be my new middle name”

  1. Everything may have been last minute, but it all adds up to a fun weekend. Now if it was up to me, you could of course stay home today… 😉


  2. My two next door neighbors are lovely ladies in their seventies. They walk several laps around our neighborhood daily. One morning, I made the unfortunate mistake of starting my walk just ahead of these ladies. Holy cow!! Staying ahead of them almost cost me a lung!!! I'm not competitive either.


  3. Oh man.Didn't you get my message to stay home today!?I'm so sorry.Oh, oops.I must have called too late for you to catch it before you left the house!Cute post!


  4. I remember when I lived in Florida and we'd get some 'milder' weather in the Fall. It was SO nice…. Sounds like you are a Busy Bee –even if you are 'last minute'…. As long as everything worked out (and it seems as if it did), I guess it's okay to do things at the last minute… IN fact, sometimes last minute is BETTER… So??????Hugs,Betsy


  5. Kudos to you on the walk!!Wish it were warmer here…no heat in my classroom….59 degrees when I got in this morning 😦 The parents all commented that they have never seen me bundled up…always shorts until it gets really cold.Happy Monday (last minute just for you…10 15 p.m. CA time)


  6. You sound like me…well, a much younger blonde version. I love last minute plans. If I have to do much thinking it becomes work. My motto is, \”let's just do this!\” Ok, but next time let me know when it's a party….I can get there fast.


  7. xoxo i love having a friend who is not afraid of last minute plans!!! yahoo!!!! and yes, i would have definitely let you have the gold 🙂 you are the BEST!


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